Professor Anand Ganesan

Professor and Matthew Flinders Fellow in Electrophysiology

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health Sciences
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Professor Anand Ganesan is a cardiac electrophysiologist, and clinician-scientist.

He undertook his MBBS at the University of Sydney(2000), PhD at Johns Hopkins University (2006), FRACP (cardiology) at Westmead Hospital (2010), and Postdoc at the Uni of Adelaide (2011-2014).

Professor Ganesan is Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology at Flinders Medical Centre, and Group Leader, Cardiac Signals Analysis Lab, Flinders University. My group is interested in developing an objective, biophysics-based approach to the mapping and treatment of human AF.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common human arrhythmia. It occurs due to the chaotic electrical activation of the upper heart chambers. Most people, when they use the word chaotic, are referring loosely to the notion that AF is disorganised.

However, when we talk about chaos in this context, we are referring to the idea that AF is most likely a form of extensive chaos according to chaos theory The notion that AF is a form of chaos is important because it allows certain kinds of predictions about AF. One such prediction is that pattern formation dynamics in AF should become statistically stable.

This property, known as ergodicity, means that pattern dynamics in AF (and its lethal sister arrhythmia ventricular fibrillation), can be accurately statistically characterised, and provides the foundation for governing equations in cardiac fibrillation.

My team is working on establishing this way of thinking about AF scientifically. We have shown that the rates at which spiral waves are generated in AF (and, with some qualifications VF), converge to stable rates called renewal rates.

We are dedicated to turning this insight into the AF mechanism into practical applications to improve the treatment of AF, especially ablation. We welcome email or Twitter enquiries from potential clinical & research fellows and students.


1. MBBS, University of Sydney, 2000

2. PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 2006

3. FRACP cardiology, Westmead Hospital, 2010

Honours, awards and grants


I lead the cardiac signals analysis laboratory, at the Flinders Health and Medical Resarch Institute, and am a Fellow of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

I lead an active program of Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD students (3 Postdocs/3 PhD students, July 2022), who have diverse backgrounds including in clinical electrophysiology, biomedical engineering and computer science.

My research team is funded by the following grants (July 2022):

1. MRFF 2016029 - Real-time measurement of renewal rate constants in pulsed field ablation of atrial fibrillation (CIA Ganesan,

2. NHMRC Ideas - 2022- 2027 - Using renewal rate constants

1. National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow, 2017

2. Matthew Flinders Fellow, Flinders University, 2016

3. Michel Mirowski Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society, 2013

4. Heart Rhythm Society Young Invesigator of the Year, 2012

5. Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Young Investigator of the Year, 2012

More than my own, I am most proud of my students' prizes and awards:

1. Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Young Investigator Award, 2018 (PhD candidate - Ms Dhani Dharmaprani)

2. Cardiac Society of Australian and New Zealand Heart Rhythm Prize, 2018 (PhD candidate - Ms Dhani Dharmaprani)

3. Best Biomedical Engineering Placement Project Prize (Biomedical Engineering student, Ms Maddie Schopp)

Key responsibilities

1. Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Flinders Medical Centre

2. Director of Clinical Electrophysiology Fellowship Program, Flinders Medical Centre

3. Group Leader, Cardiac Signals Analysis Laboratory, Flinders Medical Centre

4. Professor of Medicine, Flinders University

Teaching interests


Supervisory interests
Cardiac electrophysiology
Higher degree by research supervision
Associate supervisor: Cardiology (University of Adelaide) (2)
Expert for media contact
Cardiovascular system
cardiology, heart rhythm disorders
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Media expertise
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Technology
  • cardiology, heart rhythm disorders