Dr Anita De Bellis

Senior Lecturer in Nursing

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Sturt North (N302)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Extensive experience in nursing practice, education and research with a focus on care of the older person, dementia care and end of life care.

RN, DipN SACAE, BN (Man) Flin, MN Flin, PhD Flin
Honours, awards and grants

Roger Wurm Scholarship 2008-2009

Faculty Executive Dean's Teaching Excellence Award 2009

Life Membership Royal Adelaide Nurses' Association

Key responsibilities

Research on funded grants in aged care and dementia care. Teaching in undergraduate, postgraduate and research higher degree programs.

Teaching interests

Nursing practice, aged care, palliative care, dementia care, chronic disease management, mental health for elderly, sociology, student learning, curriculum development.
Nursing epistemology and nursing research methodology.
Development and production of  'Come Into My World'

De Bellis, A, Bradley, S, Wotherspoon, A, Walter, B, Guerin, P, Cecchin, M & Paterson, J 2009, Come Into My World - How to interact with a person who has dementia: an educational resource for undergraduate healthcare students on person-centred care, Workbook/DVD, Flinders University, Hyde Park Press, Adelaide.

Topic coordinator
NURS9710 3 D's - Dementia, Delirium and Depression
NURS9708 The social context of health and ageing
AGES8024 Medication and Ageing
NURS9220 Developing a literature review
NURS9219 Introduction to Research
Topic lecturer
NURS2001 Understanding people and the healthcare environment
NURS3005 Transition to professional practice 2
NURS1003 Pschosocial Approaches to Health
AGES8024 Medication and Ageing
PALL8436 Palliative Care in Aged Care Settings
NURS9708 The social context of health and ageing
NURS9710 3 D's - Dementia, Delirium and Depression
NURS9218 Research Approaches in Health
NURS9219 Introduction to Research
Supervisory interests
Aged care
Clinical nursing research
Complementary therapies in nursing, therapeutic touch and healing touch
Continence in the elderly
Continence nursing practice
Curriculum in general and in higher education
Dementia care
Dementia care, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Education, nursing
Elder abuse
Elderly people
Enhancing leadership
Falls in the elderly, trends and prevention
Gerontological nursing
Language proficiency of elderly, aphasic or dementing persons
Multicultural nursing
Multicultural nursing workforce
Palliative care and end-of-life nursing
Qualitative data collection/analysis
Qualitative research
Quality of life and activity patterns of the elderly
Sickness, death and bereavement
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Dementia Education (1), End of Life Care - Dementia (1), Death and dying (1)
Associate supervisor: Disability (1), Nursing in Aged Care (1), Breast Cancer (1), HIV (1), Palliative Care (1), Cultural Dementia Care (1)
Principal supervisor: Advance Directives (1), Health Access (1)
Associate supervisor: Nurse Practitioner (1), Dementia (2)
Expert for media contact
Available for contact via
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Media expertise
  • Ageing
  • Dementia
  • Nursing