Associate Professor Annabelle Wilson

Associate Professor

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I am an Associate Professor and Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian (AdvAPD) in the Discipline of Population Health at Flinders University. I am driven to undertake research, educate and collaborate in a way that reflects my values of integrity, high ethical standards, and for the betterment of the local, national and global community.

I have extensive experience in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and food systems research. My PhD, awarded in 2012, is entitled 'Addressing Uncomfortable Issues: The role of White health professionals in Aboriginal health'. My research looks at ways in which health professionals, especially those that are non-Aboriginal, can work best with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It also explores how approaches to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health can be strengths-based, rather than focussed on deficits. My work in food systems explores how trust in the food system can be maximised, especially during a food incident. I have also undertaken research about attitudes and behaviours related to COVID-19 testing.

I recently delivered a lecture as part of the BRAVE Lecture Series at Flinders University entitled 'Courageous Questions: Transforming non-Indigenous leadership in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health' which can be accessed here:


Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) 2008
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 2012

Honours, awards and grants

Honours and Awards

2022 InDaily 40 Under 40 Finalist

2022 Flinders University College of Medicine and Public Health Vice President and Executive Dean's Service Award

2015 Flinders University Vice Chancellor's Award for Early Career Researchers

2009 Australian Postgraduate Award

2008 SA Health PhD Scholarship

2004 Chancellor's Commendation for Outstanding Academic Achievement

2003 Chancellor's Commendation for Outstanding Academic Achievement

Recent Grants

2022. Spaeth B, Shepherd M, Taylor S, Reed R, Finfer S, Omond R, Karnon J, Bonevski B, Rissel C, Ullah S, Noutsos T, Stephens J, McKivett A, Smith J and Wilson A. Equitable access to full blood evaluation testing at the point-of-care in remote primary health. MRFF Primary Health Care Research. $2,996,294.25.

2022. Ryder C, Wilson A, Worley P, Perkins S, Cameron D, Kerrigan C, Wang J, Stranks S, Ullah S, Kaambwa B & Spaeth B. Knowledge interface co-design of a diabetes and metabolic syndrome intervention with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living on Ngarrindjeri country. $756,623.00. MRFF Indigenous Health Research Fund.

2021. Schuwirth L, Schultz T, Karnon J, Isaac V, Ryan V, Wilson A, Dennis C, King S, Ryder C, Aitken R & van Doorn H. The Riverland Academy of Clinical Excellence (RACE) Medical Academy Pathway. Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network. $399 570.

2021. Wilson A. COVID-19 testing attitudes and behaviours in South Australia. SA Health. $37 373.

Key responsibilities

2022-2023 Teaching Program Director, Public Health and Remote Health Teaching Programs

2022-2023 Co-Chair, College of Medicine and Public Health Reconciliation Action Plan Implementation Group

Topic coordinator
PHCA9506 Program Planning and Evaluation in Public Health
PHCA9507 Health Promotion for Public Health
  • Aboriginal health
  • Food and trust