Academic Status
College of Medicine and Public Health
I am an Accredited Practicing Dietitian with significant experience working in community and primary health care settings across rural and remote Australia. In response to concerns raised by communities I worked with, in addition to questions that arose during my practice, I undertook a PhD to explore whether the nutrition activities of health professionals met the needs of the Aboriginal people they worked with. My research recommended changes to health professional training and health systems to enable health practitioners to implement the principles of comprehensive primary health care and cultural safety into their work. I transitioned from the health sector to work at Flinders University where I have contributed my learnings from practice and research to health professional education and to the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals which are integral in shaping primary health care health service provision in remote and Indigenous communities.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)- 2020
Masters of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)-1999, Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Bachelor of Science (Honours), Nutrition and Community Health- 1997
Senior Lecturer, Allied Health- Remote Health Practice Program
Allied health and Nursing student placement planning and coordination
Project Director Remote Primary Health Care Manuals- a joint venture Commonwealth funded project in partnership with Central Australia Aboriginal Congress, Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association, CRANA Plus and Centre for Remote Health. The RPHCM suite of manuals includes:
- CARPA standard treatment manual
- Minymaku Kutju Tjukurpa- Women's Business Manual
- Medicine's Book for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Health Workers
- Reference Book
Rural and remote health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Primaty health care
Research, evaluation and evidence based decision making
Nutrition and Dietetics- community, public health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, rural and remote, maternal and child health, chronic disease