Belinda Fuss

Research Associate

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Belinda has recently started as a Research Fellow in Autism in the field of Psychology which falls within the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work.

Belinda also works in the College of Medical and Health Sciences in the department of General Practice. She is the project officer on a study funded by a MRFF NHMRC grant surrounding self-efficacy and lived experience. This project has been developing, implementing, and evaluating an intervention providing peer worker sessions to individuals struggling with their mental health.

Belinda graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2023 with a PhD in Psychology. Her thesis surrounded the social wellbeing of older adults who use digital technology to connect. This thesis was particularly interested in developing the current conceptualisation of social belonging. Specifically, she was interested in how older adults, who are at higher risk of both social and digital exclusion, can be supported to find belonging online.

Belinda has a strong interest in meta-analyses and systematic reviews. During her studies at the University of Adelaide, she founded a journal coffee group for HDR students performing these reviews. This group was continued by a fellow HDR student following Belinda's completion of studies.

As an undergraduate, Belinda explored her research interests through three undergraduate research scholarships. Her first published authorship arose from one such scholarship looking at the family impact on the siblings of children with disabilities. She was also involved in research around the cognitive biases in eyewitness testimony often cited in judicial rulings and court proceedings. Following her honours research she was involved in an RCT looking at recording adverse health events following the administration of vaccines. She received first class honours for her research into how intellectual and developmental quotients are calculated for children born premature compared with those born to term.


Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) at the University of Adelaide

Bachelor of Psychological Science, Honours (First Class) at the University of Adelaide