Research Fellow (Men's Health)
College of Medicine and Public Health
Dr Brickley is an early career researcher, dietitian and program evaluator. He is currently leading research to support men's health in the Northern Territory. One of Bryce's key projects is to adapt and deliver the Aussie-FIT Program ( across the Northern Territory.
Bryce's research seeks to put patients and communities first, help those who deliver care, shape health systems and inform health policy. Bryce's research interests are related to healthy lifestyles and nutrition; behavioural change and health services research.
Bryce's vision is for people and communities to have the knowledge, skills and capacity to self-manage their health. All health consumers have access to the right care, at the right place at the right time.
PhD (Primary Health Care), Griffith University, 2021.
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (with honours), Griffith University, 2017.
PhD Scholarship - Griffith Health and the Gold Coast Primary Health Network, 2018.
Best Student Oral Presentation Award, 10th Asia Pacific Conference of Clinical Nutrition, 2017.
Academic Excellence, 2017, Griffith University.
Assoicate Editor - Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Northern Territory Local Advisory Board Member- Heart Foundation of Australia