Dr Cameron Phillips

Academic Status

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Flinders Medical Centre (3E:288)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Dr Cameron Phillips is a academic in the College of Medicine and Public Health, a Senior Pharmacist at Flinders Medical Centre and Research Lead with SA Pharmacy Department for the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network. His research interests involve health services research, optimising the use of antimicrobials, Quality Use of Medicines and Knowledge Translation. Dr Phillips has held visiting researcher positions at the National Institue for Health Reseach (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance at Imperial College London, the Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge and Public Health England. He has a strong interest in the education and development of registered health practitioners in the clinical environment. Dr Phillips currently holds a statutory appointment from the Ministerial Council as a Board Member on the Pharmacy Board of Australia.


Doctor of Philosophy (Flinders University)

Master of Clinical Pharmacy (University of Queensland)

Bachelor of Pharmacy (University of Tasmania)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology) (RMIT University)

Honours, awards and grants

2023 Advisory Committee, Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, Hai Phong, Vietnam, 13-15 July 2023

2021 Phillips CJ (Invited Speaker), Scientific Objectives of FIP Development Goal 21: Communicable Diseases. Federation of International Pharmacists. Zoom, 29 April 2021.

2020 Phillips CJ, Mills R. Safety, governance and access: Implementing equity in perioperative antibiotic surgical prophylaxis for consumers with penicillin allergy undergoing cataract surgery. National Medicines Symposium, NPS Medicine Wise, 7 Dec 2020.

2018 Invited Speaker, 2018 Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, The American College of Clinical Phamracy, Seattle, USA, 21 October 2018.

2018 Honorary Research Associate, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK

2017 Visiting Researcher, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK

2017 Visiting Resarcher, Public Health England, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

2017 Visiting Researcher, Infection Prevention and Control, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Hammersmith, UK

2017 Endeavour Executive Fellowship, Australia Awards, to attend Public Health England residency.

2017 Fellow, Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia

2017 Associate Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association For Health Professional Educators

2016 Invited speaker School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China, 4 November 2016

2016 Invited speaker (plenary session) International Conference on Pharmacy Education & Practice. Univeristy of Science Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 29-31 January 2016.

2014-12 National Health & Medical Research Council of Australia, Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Fellowship

2013 Invited speaker (plenary session) 73rd International Pharmaceutical Federation World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dublin, Ireland, 31 August - 5 September 2013.

Teaching interests

Antimicrobials - teaching across disciplines to optimise therapy, limit toxicity and minimise the development of resistant organisms. Strong interest in prescribing, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokintetics and therapeutic monitoring of antimicrobials

Medical students -Lecturers and assessment for Introduction to Clinical Practice MMED9251:Medicine 2A (MD program)