Ms Cara Ellickson

Director, Gender Consortium

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Social Science South (307)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Cara has experience designing and facilitating international development initiatives, including collaborative and participatory action learning and action research projects and communication for development campaigns on gender equity, disability inclusion, women’s health and safety, women's leadership and culturally respectful service delivery. Cara's work is informed by her a) international development experience in Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, Kiribati, PNG, Vanuatu and Samoa; b) facilitation of aid project partnerships with Solomon Islands, Mongolian, Chinese and African women’s and gender organisations and with participants from Bhutan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh; and c) public sector experience working in senior health equity policy and planning roles with the South Australian Department of Human Services, South Australian Health Commission and National Public Health Information Development Unit. Cara's clients have included DFAT, AusAID, NZAID, WHO, UN Women, SA Department of Health, Women's Health Statewide, SA Government, the Australian Government Office for Women and numerous Australian State Government women's policy offices.

Completed and current projects and collaborative activities with partners and colleagues include:

"I am beautiful. You too!" in Sapa, Vietnam

What more can be done to fight COVID-19? Perspectives of African, Mongolian and Indonesian Women Leaders

Vietnam Graduates in Election Spotlight

Women in Leadership Journey

Cultural Respect and Safety

Disability in the Eye of Beholder

Countering Gender-Based Violence

Taking on violence against women transnationally

Women with Disabilities Leading Loud and Proud

Online Community for Female Entrepreneurs

Tackling sexual harassment on campus in Vietnam's northern mountainous region

Transformative Women's Economic Empowerment in Bhutan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh

Gender Mainstreaming International Symposium


BA (Hons) (University of Adelaide)
Master in International and Community Development (Deakin University)
Doctor of Education candidate (Flinders University) (currently studying)

Honours, awards and grants

Flinders University, Social Sciences Faculty Award for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching

DEEWR Endeavour Executive Award

Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning "For creating innovative learning spaces which promote the critical application of knowledge to ‘real world’ gender equity issues and inspire students to become change agents"

SA Women's Honour Roll for Gender, Disability and Cultural Inclusion

Vietnam Women's Union Merit Medal for the Development of Women in Vietnam for "Significant Contribution to the Equality and Development of Vietnamese Women"

Vietnam Women's Union Certificate of Merit for the Development of Women in Vietnam in recognition of "Contributions to the Vietnamese Women's Movement"

Key responsibilities

As the Director of the Gender Consortium, Centre for Development Studies, Cara's responsibilities include the management, coordination and delivery of gender equity initiatives and applied research projects under programs such as the Government Partnerships for Development Program and Australia Awards. She is also responsible for teaching core topics in the Graduate Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Analysis and Masters of Women's and Gender Studies courses. Cara also works as a technical advisor in Asia and the Pacific providing gender, disability and social inclusion support and advice to mainstream aid programs.

Teaching interests
  • Gender and development
  • Gender mainstreaming and gender analysis
  • Gender and health
  • Women's leadership and leadership for gender equity
  • Inspiring change agents for gender and social equity
  • Collaborative and participatory methodologies
  • Intersectionality in practice
  • Disability inclusion and cultural safety
Topic coordinator
DVST9032 Gender Mainstreaming
DVST9031 Gender Analysis
Higher degree by research supervision
Associate supervisor: Women and Leadership in Higher Education in Indonesia (1)