Dr Carol Fort

Academic Level C

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001
Building on a career in nursing, Carol Fort earned a PhD in history at the University of Adelaide and currently holds a position in Australian History.
  • PhD
  • BA Hons (1st Class)
  • Grad.Dip.Ed.
  • RGN, RPN
Key responsibilities
  • Faculty/University Contact Person for RHD Matters
  • Recent key responsibilities include: Dean; Associate Dean Academic; Faculty Chair, Research Higher Degrees; Director, Bachelor of International Studies
Teaching interests

Carol is especially interested in the learning opportunities associated with transition and with helping students to develop capacities to direct and evaluate their own learning strategies. She received a Faculty teaching award for her work in this field and developed a school-wide project, the SIS First-Year-Experience, incorporaing a drop-in centre, mentoring schemes and enrichment programs, which supports transition into first-level university study.

At Flinders, she is primarily involved with teaching specialist topics and supervising postgraduate research in environmental history (especially food and water), South Australian history, church history, and the history of Indigenous-Settler relations.

In 2013 and 2014 she was appointed Faculty Teaching and Learning Scholar and led research into the acquisition of generic graduate attributes (Graduate Qualities) in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Topic coordinator
INST2001 Global Mindset
INTR2012 Food Security
INST9076 Food Security
HIST1203 Creating a Nation
HIST3008 Australian Environmental Histories
HIST2015 Maps and Dreams: Indigenous-Settler relations in Australian History
Expert for media contact
History - Australian
South Australia
National Security Legislation -
wartime employment -
wartime munitions procurement
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expert
Media expertise
  • History - Australian
  • South Australia
  • National Security Legislation -
  • wartime employment -
  • wartime munitions procurement