Dr Catherine Litchfield

Associate Lecturer Active Communities and Social Impact

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Education
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Catherine Litchfield is a PhD Candidate at Flinders University. Her research focuses on Social Support among female athletes during times of duress. She received her Honours from Flinders University for her research exploring the FUN Integration Theory and its applications to Netball participation. Catherine is the recipient of a prestigious Three-year Flinders University Research Scholarship.


2018 Bachelor of Education Honours (2A)

2017 Bachelor of Education (R-7)/Bachelor of Arts

Topic coordinator
HLPE1004 Inclusion and Diversity in Sport and Active Recreation
EDUC7120 Approaches to Research (Honours)
HLPE1531 Inclusive and Adaptive Practices in Sport
HLPE3534 Sport Coaching, Management and Administration