Associate Professor Christine Winter

Academic Level D

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Christine Winter studied at the Friedrich Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuremberg, Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Universitaet Hamburg and the Australian National University. She held research positions at the Australian National University, Queensland University and Sydney University before coming to Flinders University.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, RSPAS, ANU 2005)

Honours, awards and grants

Awards & Grants:

Inaugural Matthew Flinders Fellow In History (2018-23)

ARC Future Fellow (FT13010101715 - German Mixed Race Diasporas in the Global South, 2014-18)

Darling Foundation Grant (From War Trophies to Curious, with South Australia Museum, 2012-13)

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, (W. Anderson Laureate Race and Ethnicity in the Global South, Sydney University, 2013)

Best Teacher Nomination 2012, Arts Faculty, UQ

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, UQ (Legacies of the German Empire in Oceania, 2010-12)

Publication Subsidy, Australian Academy of the Humanities, 2010

Publication Subsidy, ANU, 2009

ARC Discovery Project (CI T. Morris-Suzuki, Rethinking Impartial Humanitarianism, 2007-09)

PhD Scholarship, RSPAS, ANU (2000-2004)

Selected Visiting Appointments & Travel Grants:

CHASS workshop grant 'Health and Labour in the Pacific', Flinders University 2019

First Book Workshop Grant, CHASS Flinders University, with Dr Flowers, 2017-18

Erasmus Mobility Grant, with University of Sydney & Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, 2016

Travel Grant, INALCO, Paris, France, 2015

Travel Grant, Historisches Seminar, Universitaet Basel, Switzerland, 2014

International Visiting Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG, Berlin, 2012)

Research Associate, SOPHI, University of Sydney (2016-22)

Research Associate, Centre for Collection Development, Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen

Honorary Senior Research Fellow, HAPI, UQ (2013-2016)

Visiting Research Fellow/Research Associate, College of the Asia Pacific, ANU (2010-15)

Expert for media contact
History - Australian
History - European
History - German
Human rights and civil liberties
Pacific Islands
Race relations
Available for contact via
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Media expertise
  • Christianity
  • Germany
  • History - Australian
  • History - European
  • History - German
  • Hitler
  • Human rights and civil liberties
  • Nationalism
  • Pacific Islands
  • Race relations
  • Religion
  • War