Associate Professor Dan Fassnacht

Academic Status

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Dr Dan Fassnacht holds full academic status as Associate Professor at Flinders University. He is an Associate Professor in Psychology in the School of Health, University of the Sunshine Coast, and an Associate Research Fellow at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI).

He co-leads to Be Well Lab, a collaborative team of researchers and clinicians from the University of the Sunshine Coast and SAHMRI’s Be Well Co, a commercial spinout company allowing for large-scale reach and impact, develops innovative and scientifically validated tools to help people understand, monitor and build mental health and wellbeing. In 2022, the Be Well Lab was recognised as the Innovator of the Year finalists for the 2022 SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards.

Dan’s research focuses on how technology can be used to promote behavioural change and improve mental health and wellbeing. He has developed and investigated digital interventions (e.g., Internet, mobile phones or podcasts) to facilitate help-seeking, enhance psychological wellbeing, and prevent and treat mental illness.

Dan has attracted over $1.2 million for developing and evaluating digital tools to address mental illness and promote wellbeing. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed book chapters and articles in top ranked journals (e.g., Clinical Psychology Review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Globalization & Health), with over 1800 citations and an h-index > 20 (Google Scholar).

Dan is an award-winning educator with extensive teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in psychology and population health. He is regularly invited to speak at scientific meetings, community events and professional forums. Dan is also passionate about supervising and mentoring the next generation of researchers and practitioners and has supervised more than 60 students to completion including Honours, Masters, Doctorates and PhDs.


Doctor of Psychology (PhD), University of Tübingen, Germany

Master of Psychology (Diplom-Psychologe), University of Tübingen, Germany

Bachelor of Psychology (Vordiplom), University of Trier, Germany

Teaching interests

I have completed a Graduate Certificate of Education (Tertiary Teaching) from James Cook University and have more than 12 years of teaching experience in a wide range of under- and postgraduate Psychology topics (from first year introductory psychology, to research methodologies, basic and advanced statistical methods or abnormal and clinical psychology topics).

Supervisory interests
Health psychology
Mental health
Psychological wellbeing
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Mental Health (1)
Associate supervisor: Clinical Psychology (4)
Expert for media contact
Body image
Eating disorders
Health psychology
Mental health
Available for contact via
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Media expertise
  • Anxiety
  • Body image
  • Eating disorders
  • Health psychology
  • Mental health
  • Technology