Professor Daniel King


College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Social Sciences North
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I am a Professor (Research) and clinical psychologist in the College of Education, Psychology, & Social Work and a member of the Flinders University Institute for Mental Health and Wellbeing. My expertise is the study of digital technology-based problems, with a focus on online gaming and simulated gambling. I have authored 200+ peer-reviewed publications, including a book on gaming disorder ("Internet Gaming Disorder: Theory, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention"). I have provided consultation on gaming and gambling for national and international authorities, including the World Health Organisation, and have received multiple national awards for excellence in research. I am an Associate Editor for Addiction and Journal of Behavioral Addictions.


2012     Master of Psychology (Clinical). Flinders University.

2010     PhD (Psychology) The University of Adelaide.

2005     Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). University of South Australia.

Honours, awards and grants


2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Leadership. Flinders University.

2021 USERN Prize in Social Sciences. Universal Scientific Education Research Network.

2021 Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Media Psychology and Technology Award. American Psychological Association (APA).

2019 Tall Poppy Science Award. Australian Institute of Policy & Science (AIPS).

2017 Paul Bourke Award. Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA).

2015 Thomson Reuters Citation Award. Field: Social Sciences. Thomson Reuters AU.

2014 APS Early Career Research Award. Australian Psychological Society (APS).

2013 Tracy Goodall Early Career Award. Australian Association for CBT (AACBT).


Cat 1 Funding

2024 NHMRC Investigator Grant (2025-2029). 2025612. Value: $2,792,745. Role: CI.

Title: Evidence-based interventions for gaming disorder in young people.

2022 NHMRC Ideas Grant (2022-2026). 2011768. Value: $1,048,251. Role: AI.

Title: Understanding and treating videogame addiction in young people.

2016 ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA).(2017-2019). Value: $312,708.

Title: Psychosocial mechanisms of maladaptive online gaming.


Topic lecturer
PSYC7006 Contemporary Issues in Psychology
PSYC9009 Psychological Disorders and Psychopharmacology
PSYC3003 Introduction to Clinical Psychology