Associate Professor David Bruce

Associate Professor in Geospatial Information Systems

College of Science and Engineering

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia
Teaching interests

Satellite, airborne and UAV remote sensing / Earth observation. Use of passive and active sensors to record and interpret information related to land, water and atmosphere. Use of remote sensing to provide information to Geographical Information Systems.

Topic coordinator
STEM2001 Remote Sensing for all Disciplines
STEM8003 Remote Sensing for all Disciplines
STEM2002 Airborne Remote Sesning and Photogrammetry
STEM2003 Airborne Remote Sesning and Photogrammetry
Higher degree by research supervision
Associate supervisor: Remote Sensing (2)
Expert for media contact
Earth sciences
Satellites; remote sensing, GPS, UAV
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Earth sciences
  • Maps
  • Space
  • Technology
  • Satellites; remote sensing, GPS, UAV