Professor David Lewis

Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor

College of Science and Engineering

+61 8 8201 7905
place Physical Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Professor Lewis' research areas include polymer electronics, functional particles and both fundamental aspects and applications of poylmers including polymerisation mechanisms, morphology and grafting from surfaces.

Professor Lewis joined Flinders University in 2009 in a joint appointment with the CSIRO Future Manufacturing Flagship, as Flagship Fellow. Over his career, David has delivered over 20 Plenary and Invited Lectures at International meetings, editied two conference proceedings, authored over 100 papers and is an inventor on over 50 granted patent families.

David received his PhD from the University of Queensland in 1986 and did a postdoc at Virginia Tech in the USA and subsequently joined the IBM T.J.Watson Research Centre in NY in 1988. In 1998, David returned to Australia in a research management role with SOLA Optical (now Carl Zeiss Vision), based in Adelaide, which led to senior R&D Management roles, including managing the Discovery and Innovation function.  He co-founded 3RT in 2013 to commercialise a manufactured wood product that he co-invented and remains a non-executive Director of the company.


Doctor of Philosophy: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (submitted Sept, 1986, awarded Jan 13, 1988). Thesis Title "Radiation Degradation of Radiation Resistant Polymers". Supervisor - Prof. J. H. O'Donnell.

Bachelor of Science (Honours): University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (Jan 1982). Thesis Title "Effects of High Energy Radiation in Polymer and Related Systems". Supervisor - Prof. J. H. O'Donnell.

Bachelor of Science: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (April, 1981). Major Areas of Study - Physical Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.

Honours, awards and grants

Distinguished Contribution to Economic Advancement, RACI Weickhardt Medal 2022

Finalist, SA Innovator of the Year, 2021 and 2022

RACI Applied Reseaarch Medal 2014

Polymer Division (RACI) Citation for contributions to the Optical Industry and RACI 2006

CSIRO Look Out Award 2005

Chairman's Award for Excellence in Commecialisation, CRC-Polymers, 2005

Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute 2003

Key responsibilities

Discipline Head, Science, College of Science and Engineering

Research Leader Flinders Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology

Topic lecturer
CHEM2003 Physical Chemistry
STEM3001 Science Connect
Expert for media contact
Energy - Solar
Available for contact via
+61 8 8201 7905
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Chemistry
  • Energy - Solar
  • Nanotechnology
  • Research
  • Technology