Emeritus Professor David Prideaux

Emeritus Professor

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

David Prideaux is an educator by background with expertise in curriculum development, assessment and evaluation. He joined the then School of Medicine at Flinders University in 1992 as a Heaslip Fellow in the Department of Surgery. He continued on to be Head of Medical and Health Professional Education and subsequently Deputy Dean of the School. He retired in 2011. His roles included curriculum design, assessment, evaluation and staff development for the medical course at Flinders including a pivotal role in the foundation of the new graduate-entry and problem-based learning medical course in 1996. He has undertaken consultancies in the development and change of medical school programs nationally and internationally and has assisted with the development of new medical schools in Australia and overseas, most noticeably St Georges Hospital Medical School in London and Griffith and Deakin Universities in Australia. Professor Prideaux’s research interests focus on curriculum models for sustainable and symbiotic clinical education, a concept he developed at Flinders in close collaboration with Professor Paul Worley, a former Dean of the School. More recently his research has been orientated to the design of alternatives to high-stakes medical licensing assessment. He has published widely his field of study and has been Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal Focus on Health Professional Education and Deputy Editor of the international journals, Medical Education and Advances in Health Sciences Education. He has performed a number of roles in accreditation and assessment at the Australian Medical Council and is a former Director and Chair of the Assessment Committee. In that role he was responsible for policy development in the assessment of International Medical Graduates.


Dip T (Prim) (WPTC), BA (Hons) (Adel), MEd (with Merit) (UNE), PhD (Flind), FANZAHPE

Honours, awards and grants

Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Flinders University 1999

The ANZAME Award for Achievement in Medical Education 2004

Outstanding Staff Achievement Award Flinders University 2010

Honorary Member, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine 2007.

Life Member, Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Education 2011

Inaugural Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Education 2014

Naming, Prideaux Discipline of Clinical Education, Flinders University 2014

Inaugural ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar 2024

Key responsibilities

Emeritus Professor in Medical Education

Mentor Prideaux Discipline of Clinical Education Flinders University

Technical Adviser Assessment Australian Medical Council

Member Examinations Committee Australian Pharmacy Council

Chair Allied Health Rural Generalist Accreditation Council 

Chair Reference Group Health Professions Education Research Centre (HPERC) Fiji National University

Expert for media contact
Health/Medical education
Medical education
Curriculum, assessment, licensure
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Media expertise
  • Health/Medical education
  • Medical education
  • Curriculum, assessment, licensure