Dr Diane Colombelli-Negrel

Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour

College of Science and Engineering

place Physical Sciences (1301B)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

I am a behavioural ecologist with expertise in animal behaviour, conservation, and bioacoustics, with a strong focus on mechanistic approaches. My research has two major themes: My first research focus investigates the extent to which prenatal experiences affect the development of postnatal cognition, behaviours and fitness. My second research focus identifies ecological and behavioural processes that influence population dynamics and animal response to environmental and human-induced changes.


PhD (Biology), Flinders University, 2008

Master (Animal Behaviour), University of Paris XIII, 2004

Honours (Biology of Populations and Ecosystems), University of Paris XI, 2003

BSc (Biology), University of Nantes, 2002

Key responsibilities

Course Coordinator for the Animal Behaviour degrees

Topic coordinator
BIOL3721 Research in Animal Behaviour
BIOL2721 Foundations of Animal Behaviour
Topic lecturer
BIOL2711 Ecology
BIOL2106 Animal Handling and Husbandry
BIOL3751 Marine Mammals, Birds and Reptiles
BIOL2721 Foundations of Animal Behaviour
BIOL3721 Research in Animal Behaviour
Supervisory interests
Animal behaviour
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Behavioural Ecology (1)
Associate supervisor: Behavioural Ecology (1)
  • Animal Behaviour
  • Birds
  • Conservation
Further information
