Dr Evan Smith

Academic Level B

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Bedford Park (222)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

I am Lecturer in History in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Flinders University. Prior to this, I have had held numerous positions in academia and the Australian public service, including the Australian Institute of Criminology and the South Australian Office for Crime Statistics and Research.

I have published widely on political extremism, social movements, national security, policing and borders in Britain, Ireland, Australia and southern Africa. My latest monograph is No Platform: A Histroy of Anti-Fascism, Universities and the Limits of Free Speech (Routledge 2020).

PhD in History, Flinders University (2004-2007)

Bachelor of Arts (History) First Class Honours, Flinders University (2003)

Honours, awards and grants

2019 - Conference Support Grant, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University ($3000)

2018 - Research Support Grant, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University ($7330)

2013 - Faculty Research Grant, Flinders University ($6000) (with Dr Andrekos Varnava, School of International Studies)

2011 - David Phillips Travelling Fellowship, Australian Academy of the Humanities

2009 - Australian Prime Ministers Centre Fellowship, Museum of Australian Democracy/Old Parliament House

Teaching interests

I have taught broadly across the disciplines of history, criminology and law. I have presented lectures and taught tutorials for the following topics:

  • Terrorism and Society in Modern Europe (convened topic in 2018)
  • Turning Points in World History
  • History's Killing Fields
  • Brief History of Australia
  • Convicts, Race and Gender: Australia 1788-1840
  • Modern Europe, 1900-1945
  • Europe, 1945 to the Present
  • Change and Conflict in Russia, 1860-1930
  • Crime and Criminology
  • International Criminal Justice
  • History and Philosophy of Law
Topic coordinator
HIST2043 Terrorism and Society
Topic lecturer
HIST2043 Terrorism and Society
Supervisory interests
Australian labour history
British history
British imperial expansion and decolonisation
Critical race studies
Immigration history
Immigration policy
Legal history
National security legislation
New social movements
Policing public protest
Youth subculture
Higher degree by research supervision
Associate supervisor: History (1)
Expert for media contact
History - Australian
History - British
Race relations
United Kingdom
British history
Immigration politics and history
Left-wing politics and history
Public order policing and riots
Social movements and activism
freedom of speech
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • History - Australian
  • History - British
  • Immigration
  • Marxism
  • Politics
  • Race relations
  • Riots
  • Terrorism
  • United Kingdom
  • British history
  • Immigration politics and history
  • Left-wing politics and history
  • Public order policing and riots
  • Social movements and activism
  • freedom of speech
The Conversation