Professor Gerry Redmond

Matthew Flinders Professor

College of Business, Government and Law

place Social Science South
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Over the past 20 years, Gerry’s research has focused on marginalisation as experienced by young people in Australia and other countries – at school, with their peers, and in the community. He’s particularly interested in amplifying young people’s voices through his research and supporting them to talk about their lived experience. We hear very little from young people themselves about how their experiences impact the opportunities available to them, and what they do to protect themselves and their families from the effects of poverty and marginalisation.

Gerry’s research does not offer ‘easy fixes’ to these problems of marginalisation. The purpose of his research is to focus the attention of people with power - advocates, policymakers and practitioners in health, education, community services and local government - on what young people themselves see as the challenges in their lives, and supports to help them overcome these challenges.

Gerry is a sociologist and social policy analyst. Before coming to Flinders in 2012, he worked at the University of Cambridge (UK), UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (Italy) and the University of NSW. He has won over $5 million in funding, and has been Chief Investigator on six Australian Research Council (ARC) grants since 2009, most recently the Wellbeing in Adolescence project (2019-23) and the Opportunities and Contributions project (2023-26). He has authored over 50 journal articles, and has a Google Scholar H-index of 28. He has advised the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare on child, youth, gender and family statistics. He was recently a member of the ARC College of Experts (2020-2022). Most importantly, he advocates for amplifying the voices of young people who are the least heard but who have the most to gain from policymakers and others in power hearing them.

PhD, Social Policy, University of NSW, Australia.
MSc, European Social Policy Analysis, University of Bath, UK.
Grad. Dip. (Computing), Athlone Regional Technical College, Ireland.
B.Soc. Sc., University College, Dublin, Ireland.
Honours, awards and grants

Current and Recent Grants

Australian Research Council Discovery Project 'Young People with Disability & Young Carers: Opportunities and Contributions' 2023-2026 (Gerry Redmond, Joanne Arciuli, Sally Robinson, Eric Emerson) (A$386,000).

Australian Government Department of Health Child and Youth Health grant 'Supporting the mental health of young people with autism: responding to their perspectives on ‘what works’ to prevent bullying' 2020-2023 (Gerry Redmond, Sally Robinson, Phillip Slee) (A$117,131)

Australian Research Council Discovery Project 'Social exclusion in adolescence: risks, assets, experiences & policy action' 2019-2023 (Gerry Redmond, Fiona Brooks, Colin MacDougall, Pammi Raghavendra, Jennifer Skattebol). (A$437,088)

Australian Research Council Discovery Project 'Changing children’s chances: Exploring pathways to developmental inequities' 2016-2018 (Sharon Goldfeld, Frank Oberklaid, Gerry Redmond, et al.). (A$580,000)

UNICEF Malaysia (contract research) 'Child Disparities and Deprivation in Malaysia' 2015-2016 (Gerry Redmond, Noore Siddiquee and Rodrigo Praino) (a$118,196)

Australian Research Council and industry partners (Linkage scheme) 'Are the kids alright? Understanding the wellbeing of Australian children in their middle years' 2012-2015 (Gerry Redmond, Jennifer Skattebol and Peter Saunders, University of NSW) (A$1.4 million)

Australian Research Council and industry partners (Linkage scheme) 'Supporting families: Horizontal and vertical equity in the Australian tax-benefit system in historical and comparative perspectives' 2010-2013 (Gerry Redmond and Peter Whiteford, University of NSW) ($428,000)

External positions

Member, Research Committee, Australian Research Alliance on Children and Youth (from 2022)

Adjunct Professor, Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW ( , from 2020)
Member, Australian Bureau of Statistics Gender and Family Statistics Advisory Groups (2011-2019)
Member, National Child and Youth Indicators Advisory Groups, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2014-2020)

Discovery and Linkage Projects Grants Assessor, Australian Research Council

Key responsibilities

Professor, Public Policy, College of Business Government & Law

Topic coordinator
GOVT8007 Policy Analysis
POLI3069 Politics of the Australian Welfare State
Expert for media contact
Human rights
Social inclusion
Social policy/welfare
child poverty and wellbeing
income tax and social security
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Children/Youth
  • Human rights
  • Income
  • Social inclusion
  • Social policy/welfare
  • child poverty and wellbeing
  • income tax and social security
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