Academic Level D
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
I directed the Applied Population Studies program, 1992-2013. I initiated and completed a major restructuring of the population studies program in 1996, 2003 and 2009, and coordinated external reviews of the program in 1999, 2004 and 2009. During 2006 - 2010, I negotiated and completed a major contract between Flinders University and the Indonesian National Population and Family Planning Board for postgraduate training in population studies with funding from the Asian Development Bank. I coordinated the Master of Environmental Management program during 2003-2005.
My current teaching includes teaching in postgraduate subjects (Population Dynamics, Sustainable Development and Social Statistics). As of August 2024, I have supervised 21 completed PhD theses (10 as Principal Supervisor), 68 completed Masters and seven completed Diploma theses. I am currently supervising three PhD theses and one Master by Research thesis (as Associate Supervisor).
I have provided consultancies to the Government of South Australia, the United Nations Population Fund (in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar) and the then Australian Agency for International Development (in Indonesia).
PhD (Demography), Australian National University, 1980
Postgraduate Diploma in Population Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences, Bombay, India, 1971
Postgraduate Certificate in Demography, International Institute for Population Sciences,Bombay, India, 1970
Master of Science (Statistics), Patna University, India, 1964
BSc, Patna University, India, 1961
Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2011
Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) Citation for Excellence inTeaching 2012
Member, Flinders College of Distinguished Educators 2012
Commendation for Research Excellence (by an Academic Status Holder), College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University. November 2022.
Acknowledgement from Flinders University Higher Degree by Research Committee: “Outstanding support” of Higher Degree Research students over a period of over 30 years. April 2023
Academic Ststus Holder as Associate Professor in Population Studies
UNDP internship - Timor Leste - October 2011 - OCT 2011
Australian Population Association Conference Travel Award - September 2012 - SEP 2012
JC Caldwell Research Grant - February 2011 - FEB 2011
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population;
Asian Population Association;
Indian Association for the Study of Population (life member).
Australian Population Association (National Council 1996-1998; 2004-2006. Vice President 2006-2008. Editor, newsletter Demoz 2006-2008).
Reviewer, Australian Research Council in 2011-2014, 2018
Advisory Functions
South Australian Department of Planning and Local Government (May 2003 to May 2006; August-December 2009). Analysis
of mortality trends in South Australia and future prospects for population projections of the state.
i.d. consulting, Community Profiles, Melbourne (Apr 1999-Jan 2000). Production of Community Profiles for Victoria of
selected birthplace groups based on the 1996 census.
SAGRIC/AusAID (1993-1998). Population and Family Planning Project, Papua New Guinea.
United Nations Population Fund/Dhaka University (Department of Population Sciences). Strategic Visioning. February-March 2013.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)/Royal Government of Cambodia (2009 and 2013): Preparation of Analytical Reports on Fertility and Mortality from 2008 Population Census and 2013 Intercensal Population Survey..
(Also see under Previous Employment: July 2001-January 2003).
UNFPA Jakarta - CST Bangkok (1-11 December 2004). Review of District Database and documentation of best practice/
lessons learned.
Flinders Technology, Adelaide (June 1999). Two-week training in HIV/AIDS Information, Education and Communication
organised by IASTP1/AusAID in Nusa Tenggara Barat and Nusa Tenggara Timur provinces.
UNFPA, Myanmar: Review of Thematic reports on Mottality and Maternal Mortality from 2014 Population Census
Papua New Guinea:
United Nations Development Program, Papua New Guinea (December 2005-April 2007)- Human Development
Report for the Bougainville Autonomous Region.
National Resource Inst.(2018)
United Nations Development Program. 2010. Review of mortality component of Vietnam Human Development Report. 2010.
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population/UNFPA (Nov 2008-March 2009): Survey of technical demographic training in Asia. Report presented at an IUSSP/UNFPA meeting held The Hague, The Netherlands, 26-28 March 2009.