Senior Research Fellow in Chemical Mineralogy
College of Science and Engineering
Dr Qian earned his PhD in minerals and materials engineering from the University of South Australia in December 2011. During his PhD project, he investigated the kinetics and mechanisms of the formation of pyrite (FeS2) by replacing iron oxides under hydrothermal conditions. Since completion of PhD, Dr Qian's primary research has been focused on the leaching of sulfides, acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) remediation and 'Cu enrichment' reactions. His other research interests and activities include computational simulation of mineral bulk and surface structures, synchrotron analysis (SPEM, EXAFS, XANES, XFM, micro-XRD, etc.), sustainable control of toxic ions such as Se and As in water resources. Dr Qian's research goal is to apply his fundamental knowledge and skills to help industry solve complex problems like AMD.
Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Australia, 2008-2011
Master of Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology, 2005-2008
Bachelor of Engineering, Tongji University, 2001-2005
Ian Wark Research Institute Medal for outstanding PhD thesis (2011)
Chinese government award for outstanding PhD students abroad (2010)
East China University of Science and Technology award for outstanding master’s thesis (2008)
ECUST University award for outstanding graduates (2008)
ECUST University award for postgraduate students for excellence in research (2007)
Dow Chemical (industry) award for outstanding research students (ECUST, 2007)
Degussa (industry) award for outstanding postgraduate research students (ECUST, 2006)
ENEA Casaccia Research Centre (Rome, Italy) scholarship for visiting researcher (2006)
ECUST award for outstanding postgraduate students (2006)
Tongji University award for outstanding graduates (2005)
Area Radiation Safety Officer (Physical and Earth Sciences)
Environmental Chemistry; Mineralogy; Geochemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Analysis
Reviewer for academic journals including: (1) Applied Surface Science; (2) Colloids and Interfaces, (3) Crystals, (4) Environmental Technology and Innovation, (5) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, (6) Hydrometallurgy, (7) International Journal of Mineral Processing (now merged with Minerals Engineering), (8) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, (9) Journal of Environmental Engineering, (10) Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, (11) Materials, (12) Minerals, (13) Science of the Total Environment, (14) Chemosphere, (15) Hydro Science & Marine Engineering, (16) Journal of Hazardous Materials.