Dr Hayden Tronnolone

Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences

College of Science and Engineering

place Tonsley Building (4.42)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Applied and Pure)

Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)

PhD (Applied Mathematics)

Honours, awards and grants
  • College of Science and Engineering (Flinders University) Dean (Education) Award for Excellence in Teaching (2022)
    Awarded for excellence in teaching based on assessment by a staff panel.
  • College of Science and Engineering (Flinders University) Student-Led Teaching Award (2021, S1)

    Awarded for excellence in teaching based on student nominations.

  • Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence (2016)
    Awarded for an "outstanding" thesis based on examiners' recommendations.
  • Best student talk (2015)
    Awarded at the ANZIAM South Australia Branch annual meeting.
  • T. M. Cherry Prize (2015)
    For the best student presentation at the ANZIAM annual meeting.
  • Honourable mention for a student talk (2013)
    A commendation for a student presentation at the ANZIAM annual meeting.
  • School of Mathematical Sciences 3MT winner (2012)
    For the best three-minute thesis presentation within the School.
  • Ian Laing Academic Prize (2011)
    Awarded by the Hydrological Society of South Australia for overall academic record and calibre of a fourth-year project related to water studies with "a rigorous standard of research."
  • University Medal (2010)
    Awarded by the University of Adelaide to the top-performing cohort of honours students university-wide based on academic performance over undergraduate and honours studies.
  • Head of School's Award for Tutoring Excellence (2010)
    For excellence in student evaluations of tutoring.
  • R. B. Potts Prize (2009)

    Awarded by the School of Mathematical Sciences for the greatest distinction in level III applied mathematics courses.

  • Mathematical Contest in Modelling Certificate of Merit (2009)
    Awarded by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications for the (international) Mathematical Contest in Modelling for excellence in modelling and problem solving (highest Australian result in 2009).

  • Dean's Certificate of Merit (2007, 2008 and 2009)
    For distinction in academic results across a year of undergraduate study.

Key responsibilities

I work full-time as a teaching specialist in mathematical sciences based in the College of Science and Engineering. I am a member of the College of Science and Engineering STEM Academy and am the Co-ordinator Recruitment and Outreach within the College. I am a member of the College Education Commmitee and the Student Recruitment Committee.

I am currently the course co-ordinator for the Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Deputy Teaching Program Director for Computing and Mathematical Sciences.

Teaching interests

As a teaching specialist in mathematics, I am interested in new methods of teaching that improve learning. I am particularly interested in investigating better ways to guide students through new material and finding ways of providing specialised assistance. In mathematics, I believe we have a large responsibility to help how students view mathematics and to ensure they believe in their capability to learn. I like to find ways to reduce the expectation on memorisation and istead focus on deeper conceptual appreciation.

I am very interested to show students the human side of mathmatics. This includes highlighting the diverse cultures that have studied mathematics, along with the different ways of thinking and discovering knowledge. I also want to ensure that classes reflect that mathematics is a human activity, which is done collaboratively, creatively, and by combining different approaches and ideas. These are all ongoing interests and things that I am still workiing to improve on.

My teaching expertise is mainly in concepts related to calculus, from first principals through to advanced methods in applied mathematics, differential equations and basic analysis. I have experience with material from high school level through to graduate topics.

Topic coordinator
MATH1701 Algebra and Functions
MATH2711 Multivariable Calculus
MATH2722 Numerical Analysis
NMCY1001 Academic and Professional Numeracy
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Media expertise
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics