Professor Heather Burke


College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Heather is an historical archaeologist with a wide range of research interests, including the construction of class and status through material culture, the archaeology of cross-cultural engagement and the links between cultural heritage, memory and contemporary social identity. She graduated with a PhD from UNE (Armidale) in 1996, and has worked as a researcher and consultant on historical and Indigenous archaeological sites throughout New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland and the Northern Territory. Her current research focusses on the 'frontier' and its social and material effects, particularly the archaeology of frontier conflict in Queensland.

For information on latest projects, visit Frontier Conflict and the Qld Native Mounted Police, Archaeology on the Frontier and Rock Art and Cultural Heritage in Cape York Peninsula

Listen to elements of the Native Mounted Police project at the Powerhouse Museum, in The Australian Wars and on ABC Radio National.

Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) UNE
Doctor of Philosophy (Archaeology) UNE
Honours, awards and grants

Carrick Award for Australian University Teaching, Team Teaching, Award for Teaching Excellence (with C. Smith)
Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching, Flinders University, Team Category (with C. Smith)
White Bequest Award for an Archaeological Publication, Australian Academy of the Humanities.

2020-2023 ARC ASRI Project "Slow" Digitisation, Community Heritage and the Objects of Martindale Hall (SR200200900)

2020-2023 ARC ASRI Project Fugitive Traces: Reconstructing Yulluna Experiences of the Frontier (SR200200157)

2021-2025 ARC Linkage Project Aboriginal Rock Art and Cultural Heritage Management in Cape York Peninsula (LP190100194)

2018-2021 ARC Linkage Project Sugarbag and Shellfish: Indigenous Foodways in Colonial Cape York Peninsula (LP170100050)

2018-2021 ARC Linkage Project White People had the Gun: Interrogating the Riverland’s Colonial Frontier (LP170100479)

2016-2020 ARC Discovery Project The Archaeology of the Queensland Native Mounted Police (DP160100307)

2014 ARC LIEF—Federated Archaeological Information Management Systems Project: Transforming archaeological research through digital technologies

2012–2013 National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR)—Federated Archaeological information Management System

Teaching interests

Historical archaeology, historical artefacts, heritage management, research methods, archaeology of modern society, community history, heritage and memory

Topic coordinator
ARCH8401 Historical Artefact Analysis
ARCH2212 Archaeology of Modern Society
ARCH8019 Heritage Management Planning
ARCH8807 Advanced Archaeology Field School
ARCH8020 Research Methods
ARCH2203 Australian Historical Artefacts
ARCH8806 Historical Archaeology Field School
ARCH8309A Advanced Research Projects
Further information

Editorships and editorial boards

Editorial Board, Contributions to Global Historical Archaeology Book series, Springer (2021–)

Editorial Advisory Board, Queensland Archaeological Research (2017- present)

Associate Editor (Australia and New Zealand), Historical Archaeology (2016 - present)

Editorial Board, Archaeologies, the Journal of the World Archaeological Congress (2015 - present)

Editorial Board, Australasian Journal of Historical Archaeology (2011 - present)

Editorial Advisory Board, Australian Archaeology (2011-2015; 2020-)

Editor, Australian Archaeology (2012–2015)

External committee memberships

2015–present–Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) Best Honours Thesis & Best Postgraduate Thesis Awards Committees

2012-2013–NeCTAR Archaeological Information Management Systems Project Steering Committee

2010-2018–Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) Annual Awards Committee

2009-2012–State Heritage Register Committee, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia.

2009-2011–Australian World Heritage Reference Group

2007-2008–National Benchmarking Committee, undergraduate Australian archaeology degrees

2003–Chair, Program Committee, Fifth World Archaeological Congress, Washington D.C. This conference attracted over 1200 participants and 990 papers

1990-1991–Secretary, Australian Archaeological Association (AAA)