Huah Shin Ng

Practitioner Fellowship

College of Medicine and Public Health

+61 8 8201 2588
place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dr. Huah Shin Ng is currently a Practitioner Fellow/ Cancer Council SA Early-Career Fellow at Flinders University (2022-present). She is also a Senior Pharmacist- Research at SA Pharmacy, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network. Her current research focuses on cancer survivorship and cancer pharmacoepidemiology.

Huah Shin completed her postdoctoral research training at the University of British Columbia, Canada (2019-21) with her research focused on the assessment of the real-world safety profiles and effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs in the multiple sclerosis population (funded by the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada’s endMS Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Reserach Trainee Award and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Drug Safety and Effectiveness Cross-Disciplinary Training Program).

Her research interests include pharmacoepidemiology, medication safety and effectiveness, and chronic diseases (cancer and multiple sclerosis).


Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), University of South Australia, 2008

PhD (Pharmacy and Medical Sciences), University of South Australia, 2019

Thesis: Assessment of the burden, types, and development of comorbidities in the Australian population with cancer

Professional Registrations: Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS, Board of Pharmacy Specialty 2013-2020), Accredited Pharmacist (The Society of Hospital Pharmacist of Australia 2015-2019), Registered Pharmacist (Pharmacy Board of Australia, Singapore Pharmacy Council & Pharmacy Board of Malaysia).

Honours, awards and grants

Selected grants (2024-present):

(1) Cancer Council South Australia Beat Cancer Project Early Career Research Fellowship, 2024-2026

Project title: Real-world data for evidence-based treatment decisions in older adults with breast cancer (Role PI; AUD$240,000 from Cancer Council SA, AUD$240,000 from Flinders University)

(2) SALHN Enquiry Grant Round 2024, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN), 2025-2026

Project title: Stress, allostatic load, and comorbidity in cancer survivors (Role CI; AUD$60,962.40)

(3)  SALHN Enquiry Grant Round 2023, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN), 2024-2025

Project title: Developing innovative and holistic prescribing strategies in patients with multimorbidity using network analysis (Role CI; AUD$67,575)

(4) Catalyst Grant, Multiple Sclerosis Canada, 2024

Project title: Reducing residual confounding in multiple sclerosis research: a machine learning approach leveraging large health administrative databases  (Role: Co-applicant; CAD$29,976.48)


Completed fellowships:

(1) Practitioner Fellowship, Flinders University, 2022-2024

Research focus: Cancer survivorship epidemiology

(2) endMS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Multiple Sclerosis Canada, 2019-2022

Project title: Disease-modifying Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Multiple Sclerosis (DRUMS) (Role: PI; CAD$123,000)

(3) MSFHR Research Trainee Award, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR), 2019-2022

Project title: Disease-modifying Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Multiple Sclerosis (DRUMS) (Role: PI; CAD$111,000 stipend + CAD$13,500 for research allowance)

(4) Endeavour Research Fellowship, Australian Government, 2018

Project title: Patterns of comorbidities in Canadian women with breast cancer  (Role: PI; AUD$23,000)