Dr Jacqueline Nguyen

Research Associate

College of Science and Engineering

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I am an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at Flinders University and a Scientific Officer in Ornithology at the Australian Museum in Sydney. My research interests include the systematics, morphology, and evolution of fossil and modern birds, especially Australian songbirds. I am interested in using a combination of fossils, morphology, and DNA to gain a better understanding of the evolutionary history of birds, both living and extinct. I am currently based part-time at Flinders and part-time at the Australian Museum.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences), UNSW Sydney
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours Class 1), UNSW Sydney
Honours, awards and grants

Recent awards and grants:

  • Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DE200101222), Australian Research Council (2020)
  • Theo Murphy Initiative Fund, Australian Academy of Science and The Royal Society (2019)
  • Australian Museum Foundation (2019)
  • Betty Mayne Scientific Research Fund for Earth Sciences, Linnean Society of New South Wales (2018)
  • Chadwick Biodiversity Fellowship, Australian Museum (2015)
  • Australian Bird Study Association Fund for Avian Research (2015)
Topic lecturer
BIOL3703 Vertebrate Palaeontology
BIOL2706 Vertebrate Form and Function
Further information

Terrestrial Vertebrates, Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum, 1 William Street Sydney NSW 2010 Australia

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