Associate Professor in Public Health Regulatory Science
College of Medicine and Public Health
Associate Professor Jacqueline Stephens is an epidemiologist who conducts research focused on identifying and eliminating healthcare inequity, particularly for people living in rural and remote locations. Her research uses data linkage and ‘big data’ in a mixed methods approach by contextualising the epidemiological findings with community narratives to better understand the context of the epidemiological data.
More information about her work can be found on her ResearchNow Profile.
PhD, MPH, BSC(Hon), GradCertEmgDisMgmt
Dr Stephens is the topic coordinator for the following topics:
She is part of the teaching team, or provides guest lectures, for the following topics:
She has previously been the topic coorindator for the following topics: PHCA9520 (Epidemiology for Practice).
She provides supervision for higher degree by research students (Hons, MPH, PhD), as well as MD Advanced Studies and FHMRI Summer Scholarship placements.
Dr Jacqueline Stephens is a member of: