Matthew Flinders Professor of Health & Social Equity
College of Medicine and Public Health
Professor James Smith is the Deputy Dean of Rural and Remote Health - NT, and Matthew Flinders Professor (Health and Social Equity) at Flinders University. He is an applied social health researcher with 20+ years experience working in rural and remote health policy, practice, and research contexts in SA and the NT, with a particular focus on improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and education outcomes. Prior to commencing at Flinders he held Professorial roles at both Menzies School of Health Research and Charles Darwin University in areas relating to alcohol and other drugs, men's health and Indigenous higer education. Professor Smith is recognised nationally and globally for his expertise in both health promotion and men's health. He is the immediate past Editor-in-Chief of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia, a Fellow and life member of the Australian Health Promotion Association, and a Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management . He is the Deputy Chair Association for Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies NT. He holds academic status at Menzies, University of Queensland, Deakin University, University of Michigan and the University of Saskatchewan.
Matthew Flinders Professor (2022-ongoing)
NT Exellence in Harm Reduction Award - Association for Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies NT (2021)
NT Men's Health Peoples Choice Award - Australian Men's Health Forum
NT Fulbright Senior Scholar (2019) - Fulbright Australia
National Alcohol and Other Drugs Research Excellence and Innovation Awars (Research) - Alcohol and Drug Foundation (2019)
Australian Rural Education Award - Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (2016 and 2018)
Aileen Plant Medal for Excellence in Population Health - Australia's four peak population health bodies (2012)
Professor Smith has executive responsbilities to lead the strategic direction of education and research within the Discipline of Rural and Remote Health in the Northern Territory. This will build on the Rural and Remote Health Strategy, Rural and Remote Health NT Research Plan, and the Flinders University Reconciliation Action Plan.
Professor Smith is a Fellow of the Australian Health Promotion Association, and Editor-in-Chief of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia. He has recently been an Expert Advisor to the Western Pacific Regional Office of the World Health Organization and a National Commissioner with the Consumer Health Forum Consumer Commission: Beyond COVID-19. At a local level he also holds elected roles as the Past President of the Rotary Club of Darwin Sunrise, Deputy Chair of the Association for Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies NT, Board Member of FCD Health; and past Deputy Chair of the NTPHN Community Advisory Council. He has held previous Board roles with the Melaleuca Refugee Centre and the Heart Foundation (NT Branch).