Dr Jenny Haycock

Research Associate

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Mark Oliphant Building
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Jenny Haycock is a Research Associate at the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health, Flinders University. Her primary interests include access to effective behavioural treatment for insomnia and the management of sleep disorders in primary care.

Jenny also has an interest in implementation science, research translation and consumer led and co-designed research.


Jenny completed her PhD in 2023 at Flinders University, supervised by Associate Professor Nicole Lovato, Emeritus Professor Leon Lack and Dr Elizabeth Hoon. Her PhD investigated the diagnosis and management of insomnia in Australia and was conducted with the National Centre for Sleep Health Services Research (NCSHSR). This research was part of a CRE grant titled positioning primary care at the centre of sleep health management funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

Honours, awards and grants

Flinders University Research Scholarship, 2019

Key responsibilities

Jenny is Post-Doctoral Research Associate at FHMRI Sleep Health working on research projects investigating the management of sleep disorders in primary care. She is also the co-chair of the Sleep Health Foundation Consumer Reference Council and co-chair of the Australasian Sleep Association Primary Care Council.