Associate Professor John Costi

Associate Professor

College of Science and Engineering

+61 8 8201 3323
place Tonsley Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

John completed his Mechanical Engineering degree in 1991 and his first employment was in Orthopaedic Biomechanical Engineering, where he found his passion and is still working in today. He was awarded his PhD in biomechanics of the intervertebral disc in 2004 at Flinders University. In mid-2005, he undertook an 18 month postdoctoral fellowship at the Departments of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, USA, one of the most prestigious spine research groups in the world. In 2009, John joined Flinders University as an Academic staff member/Biomechanical Engineer. He spent three years building his biomechanics research laboratory and program of research, and led a collaborative team to design and develop an award-winning novel, six degree of freedom hexapod robot. In 2015, he was elected to the grade of Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia in both the Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Colleges.

He has expertise in bone, joint and soft tissue mechanics and the development of novel, experimental techniques to facilitate his research. He has conducted research on the hip, knee, shoulder, spine, elbow, hand and wrist as well as in fracture repair and reconstruction of soft tissue structures. He is actively involved with research collaborations both nationally and internationally.

John is the Founder and Director of Flinders Surgical Lab, which has been established to enable medical device companies to provide advanced training for surgeons. He is also the Research Director of the Medical Device Research Institute at Flinders University and leads the experimental research program of the Biomechanics and Implants Research group. He also serves as President of the Spine Society of Australia.

2004 PhD, Flinders University
1992 BEng (Hons), The University of Adelaide
Honours, awards and grants

2019 FIOR - Recognised with the honorary status of Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR) at the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Society (ICORS) meeting in Montreal, Canada

2019 Spinal Research Award. 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Spine Society of Australia, Gold Coast, Australia

2018 Best Poster Award. 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Spine Society of Australia, Adelaide, Australia

2017 Spinal Research Award. 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Spine Society of Australia, Hobart, Australia

2016 Finalist - National Instruments Engineering Impact Award, Houston, Texas, USA.

2015 FIEAust - Elected to the grade of Fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust) (Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering).

2014 Mace Bearer, Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduation Ceremony, Flinders University of South Australia.

2013 Best Paper Award. 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Spine Society of Australia, Perth, Australia.

2012 Finalist - National Engineering Excellence Award, Engineers Australia, Canberra.

2012 Malcolm Kinnaird Engineering Excellence Award, Engineers Australia, South Australia Division.

2012 Innovation, Research and Development Engineering Excellence Award, Engineers Australia, South Australia Division.

2007 Finalist - International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) - Clinical Biomechanics Award, Tapei, Taiwan.

2007 Orthotech Best Poster Award. 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Spine Society of Australia, Hobart, Australia.

2007 New Investigator Award - Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics, Auckland, New Zealand.

2006 McClure Musculoskeletal Research Award, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, The University of Vermont, USA.

2002 Best Postgraduate Presentation. Joint South Australian meeting of the Institution of Engineers (IEAust) Biomedical branch, the SMBE (Society for Medical and Biological Engineering) and ACPSEM (Australasian College of Physical Sciences and Engineers in Medicine).

2002 Best Poster Award. European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy, Rome, Italy.

1999 Young Investigator Award. Australian and New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society, Brisbane, Australia.

Key responsibilities

Research Section Lead - Engineered Systems, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University

Academic Senate Member, Flinders University

Scientific Secretary, Spine Society of Australia

Associate Editor, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

Teaching interests
Biomechanics and Mechanical Engineering related topics
Topic coordinator
ENGR2732 Biomechanics
ENGR3751 Solid Mechanics
Topic lecturer
ENGR2732 Biomechanics
ENGR3751 Solid Mechanics
Expert for media contact
Engineering - Biomedical
Available for contact via
+61 8 8201 3323
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Engineering - Biomedical
  • Biomechanics