Professor John Roddick


College of Science and Engineering

place Tonsley (4.04)
1284 South Road, Clovelly Park SA 5042

Professor John Roddick joined Flinders in April 2000 after 15 years at the Universities of Tasmania and South Australia and will retire at the end of February 2023. His time as an academic followed 10 years experience in the computing industry. He was Dean of the School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics between January 2008 until July 2017, Chair of Academic Senate between 2017 and 2021 and more recently, until the end of 2022, the Dean of Education in the College of Science and Engineering. He is a Fellow of both Engineers Australia and the Australian Computing Society.

PhD, La Trobe
MSc, Deakin University
BSc(Eng)(Hons), Imperial College, London
Honours, awards and grants

Professor Roddick is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers, Australia (FIEAust) and a Fellow of the Australian Computing Society (FACS).

Selected Grants since 2002

  1. Filar, J.A., Gaitsgory, V., Ejov, V.V. and Roddick, J.F., Perturbations in Complex Systems and Games. ARC Discovery $379,700. 2014/16
  2. Meyrick, J.J., Roddick, J.F., et al. AusStage Phase 5. ARC LIEF LE140100024. $325,000 (ARC). 2014.
  3. Roddick, J.F. Techniques for active conceptual modelling and guided data mining for rapid knowledge discovery. ARC Linkage. $223,000 (ARC and rL-Solutions). 2011/13.
  4. Bull, M.J., Roddick, J.F. and Sih, A. Behavioural syndromes and social networks in sleepy lizards. ARC Discovery. $375,000. 2010/12.
  5. Roddick, J.F., Ceglar, A. and de Vries, D. Detection of Anomalies in Transaction Sequences (DATS) Project, DSTO. $269,000. 2005-8.
  6. Roddick, J.F. and Calder P.R. Managing and Mining Evolving Ontologies through combining Patterns Languages and Data Mining, ARC Linkage with RACS and ACS. $196,500 (ARC and Partners). 2006-2008.
  7. McIntyre, J, Roche, A., Roddick, J.F. Morgan, DL and Metcalfe, M. Addressing Indigenous complex health, housing and social inclusion issues through critical systems approaches to build workforce capacity, ARC Linkage Grant, $96,444 (ARC and Partners), 2005-2007.
  8. Clarke, S.R., Matisons, J., Downing, A. and Roddick, J.F.. $103,168 (ARC and Partners), 2004-2006.
  9. Roddick, J.F., Data Mining for Defence Information Analysis, LongARM Project, DSTO, $30,000 2004.
  10. Roddick, J.F., with Power-Solutions Inc. Power Knowledge Builder Project, START Grant, $1,100,000, 2004-2006.
  11. Holledge, J.F., Roddick, J.F., Hartog, J, et al. AusStage: Australian Performing Arts Gateway, Phase Two - Enhancement and Information Retrieval. ARC LIEF Grant, $280,000 2003.
  12. Roddick, J.F. et al, Analysis of Pathology Ordering by GPs, $122,000 (DHAC), 2002.
  13. Roddick, J.F. Employing Summarisation and Induction Techniques to Improve User Responsiveness in Database Applications. ARC SPIRT Grant with HP Labs, $101,846 (ARC and Compaq), 2001-2003.
Supervisory interests
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Data semantics
Database modelling
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Computer Science (1)
Associate supervisor: Computer Science (1)
Principal supervisor: Computer Science (8), Computer Science (UniSA) (4)
Associate supervisor: Computer Science (4)
Expert for media contact
Engineering - Computer Systems
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Available for contact via
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Media expertise
  • Engineering - Computer Systems
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery