Professor Jonathan Karnon

Professor in Health Economics

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I have undertaken applied economic evaluations in primary care, inpatient and outpatient hospital settings, residential care and community pharmacies. I have particular expertise in the use of cost-effectiveness models to estimate costs and benefits over extended time horizons and have developed and published cost-effectiveness models in a wide range of clinical areas, including frailty, cardiovascular disease, ophthalmology and cancer screening.

My methodological research includes a longstanding interest in the use of simulation methods for health economic evaluation, including an invitation to chair an international working group on best practice in this area. Developed research methods to support improvements in model validation has also informed best practice guidelines. Recent research has estimated the opportunity costs of decisions to fund new technologies, which provides the first empirical estimate of the cost-effectiveness threshold in Australia – a critical input to funding decisions.


MSc. Health Economics (University of York)

PhD. Health Economics (Brunel University)

Honours, awards and grants

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Distinguished service award, May 2011

Best Health Services Research paper 2014, Australian Centre For Health Services Innovation: Accounting for costs, QALYs, and capacity constraints: using discrete-event simulation to evaluate alternative service delivery and organizational scenarios for hospital-based glaucoma services. Medical Decision Making

Best Health Services Research paper 2016, Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand: Screening for important unwarranted variation in clinical practice: A triple-test of processes of care, costs and patient outcomes. Australian Health Review

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