Jordan Tutton

Casual Professional

College of Business, Government and Law

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Adjunct Research Associate, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University


Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (First Class Hons) (Flinders)

Bachelor of Arts (Flinders)


Roach Anleu, Sharyn, Kathy Mack and Jordan Tutton (2014) ‘Judicial Humour in the Australian Courtroom’ 38(2) Melbourne University Law Review 621–665.

Tutton, Jordan (2017) ‘Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Sentencing Remarks: An Exploratory Study’ 42(2) Alternative Law Journal 162–165.

Mack, Kathy, Sharyn Roach Anleu and Jordan Tutton (2017) ‘Pleading Guilty: Issues and Practices – A Socio-Legal Research Case Study’ 27(1) Journal of Judicial Administration 21–44.

Tutton, Jordan (2017) ‘Litigation in the South Australian Fast Track Streams’ 6(3) Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice 108–130.

Tutton, Jordan (2018) ‘Litigation in the SA Fast Track Streams’ 40(3) Law Society Bulletin (SA) 12–13.

Mack, Kathy, Sharyn Roach Anleu and Jordan Tutton (2018) ‘The Judiciary and the Public: Judicial Perceptions’ 39(1) Adelaide Law Review 1–35.

Tutton, Jordan, Kathy Mack and Sharyn Roach Anleu (2018) ‘Judicial Demeanor: Oral Argument in the High Court of Australia’ 39(3) Justice System Journal 273–299.

Mack, Kathy, Sharyn Roach Anleu and Jordan Tutton (2021) ‘Judicial Impartiality, Bias and Emotion’ 28(2) Australian Journal of Administrative Law 66–82.

Tutton, Jordan (2021) ‘Vexatious Litigant Orders in South Australia: Time for a New Look?’ 42(2) Adelaide Law Review 551–567.

Brand, Vivienne, Justine Lacey and Jordan Tutton (2023) ‘Social Licence as a Regulatory Concept: An Empirical Study of Australian Company Directors’ 46(1) UNSW Law Journal 111.

Tutton, Jordan and Vivienne Brand (2023) 'Should Business have "a Sense of Morality"?: Company Director Views on Corporate Engagement with Socio-Political Issues' 49(1) Public Relations Review 102278.