Associate Professor
College of Medicine and Public Health
Julie Ash is a Flinders graduate with a career progression from science to medicine to medical education. During her PhD she worked as a lecturer in the School of Medicine and took a number leadership roles including a three year term as Assistant Dean Medical Course. and until recently a role as Head of the Health Professional Education Unit. In 2016 she joined the Prideaux Centre for Research In Health Professions Education as Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of Research Higher Degrees. She teachers in the MD and the Masters of Clinical Education. She supervises Masters and PhD Students.
BSc Hons (Flinders, 1982), BMBS (Flinders, 1992), PhD (Flinders, 2010).
My teaching interests centre on medicine and medical education. I am an experienced PBL tutor and an PBL tutor trainer. Currently I am the Topic Coordinator for the online Masters in Clincal Education topic HLED9108 Research Skills in Clinical Education.