Dr Justine Irving

Casual Academic

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Adelaide Home Office
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Justine has an interesting and diverse professional background in government, university and the private sector (management consulting). She discovered her interest in gerontology through the later stages of her Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and has continued to pursue professional and research opportunities in ageing. Justine completed the Master of Applied Gerontology with Flinders University and now coordinates and teaches within this program. Through her PhD she sought to better understand how and why sense of purpose changes with age.

Justine is currently the Course Coordinator for the Bachelor of Healthy Ageing and Post-Graduate Applied Gerontology Programs.


PhD Health Sciences (Gerontology), MGerontology, BPsych (Hons)

Topic coordinator
AGES2001 Health Status in Later Life
AGES1004 Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing in Later Life
AGES2010 Age as an Asset: Productive Ageing
AGES3005 Economics and Ageing
AGES2010 Age as an Asset
AGES8023 Healthy Ageing (Mental Health)
AGES2011 Perspectives on Elder Abuse and Neglect
AGES1002 Attitudes, Language and Communication
AGES1001 Foundation Skills in Ageing Studies