Dr Kate Seymour

Senior Lecturer

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Social Science South (339)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Kate is nationally and internationally recognised as a social work academic and criminologist focusing on the socio-cultural contexts of violence, and men’s use of violence in particular, and the critical analysis of masculinities. She is especially interested in the complex interrelationships between violence, diverse masculinities, and hierarchies of identity and difference across the policy, prevention, and practice realms. Kate's research builds on her own experience in direct practice with men who use violence as well as her theoretical grounding across the fields of social work and criminology.

  • PhD (Deakin University)
  • Masters of Social Science (Criminology)
  • Bachelor of Social Administration
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services)
Topic coordinator
SOAD8018 Family Violence, Abuse and Neglect
SOAD9060 Social Work Theories
Supervisory interests
Critical criminology
Critical masculinity studies (scholarly distinction from masculinity or men's studies)
Critical social work
Domestic violence, criminal justice system responses
Gendered violence
Social policy
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: 1607 (1)
Associate supervisor: 1607 (1)
Associate supervisor: 1602 (1)
Expert for media contact
Gender studies
Social policy/welfare
Violence, Gendered Violence, Gender and Masculinities
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Crime
  • Culture
  • Deviance
  • Gender studies
  • Justice
  • Social policy/welfare
  • Violence
  • Violence, Gendered Violence, Gender and Masculinities
Further information

Current research grants

  • South Australian Police ($125,423), Review of the Multi Agency Protection Service (MAPS). CIs: K Seymour, S Wendt
  • Sammy D Foundation ($30,000), Northern Youth Mentoring Program Evaluation. CIs: B. Lohmeyer, K Seymour.
  • Department for Child Protection (SA) ($300,000), 2021-2023, Managing domestic and family violence in the context of child protection: Evidence-based professional development for DCP practice leaders. CIs: C Bastian, S Wendt, K Seymour.
  • Australian Research Council, Linkage Project ($284,215, LP200200848) A home-centred approach to support children and young people in state care. CIs:K Natalier, S Wendt, M. Jones, C. Bastian, K Seymour. Awarded March 2021.

  • Australian Research Council, Discovery Program Grant ($275,000, DP210101214), Strengthening Australia's Domestic and Family Violence Workforce. CIs:S Wendt, K Seymour, K Natalier. Awarded Oct 2020.

Kate Seymour - Curriculum Vitae (pdf)