Associate Professor Kerry Bissaker

Academic Status

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Kerry Bissaker worked as a classroom teacher and special education consultant before commencing her position at Flinders University in 1997. She has engaegd in extensive international roles holding leadership positions in this area with a particular focus on inclusive education in developing countries. Her international work in Asia has resulted in two Australia Award Fellowships and partnerships with universities, institutes and non-government agencies in Singapore, China, Indonesia and Nepal. The focus of her research is on effective learning processes for both students and teachers and in particular the role of teachers' professional learning is developing schools as dynamic learning organisations. Her primary interest in teachers' professional learning resulted in extensive work with the Australian Government Quality Teacher Project in both South Australian and the Northern Territory. Her doctoral research with the staff of the innovative Australian Science and Mathematics School generated an explanatory model of professional learning which has subsequently been used as a tools for other schools.

Diploma of Teaching (SACAE Underdale)
Bachelor of Education (SACAE Underdale)
Bachelor of Special Education (SACAE Sturt)
Master of Education (Melbourne University)
Doctor of Philosophy (Flinders University)
Honours, awards and grants

Kerry won a Carrick Institute for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in 2006. The citation read:

For excellence in the design and delivery of context-specific post graduate programs and sustained commitment to teachers' professional learning.

She was also part of team of School of Education staff who won an Australian Learning and Teaching Council citation in 2008:

For sustained exemplary practice in the development and delivery of programs which provide a highly valued, holistic educational experience for offshore students.

Teaching interests
Effective teaching and learning
Inclusive education
Teachers' professional learning
Topic coordinator
EDUC9922 Models of professional learning
EDUC9401 Teacher as Researcher
EDUC4820 The professsional educator
EDUC9921 Issues in professional learning
EDUC9408 The specialist professional educator
EDUC9923 Leading professional learning
Expert for media contact
Education - Special
Inclusive education
Innovation in schooling
Teachers' professional learning
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Education - Special
  • Literacy
  • Schools
  • Teaching
  • Inclusive education
  • Innovation in schooling
  • Teachers' professional learning