Lecturer (Teaching Specialist (Acad))
Engineering and Design
I have graduated from Flinders University with PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering. I have made significant contributions to the fields of mechanical behaviour of materials, numerical modelling, contact mechanics, wear, tribocorrosion,and crashworthiness.
Below is a brief summary of my research opportunity and performance:
• In my previous research position at Flinders University, I undertook research in virtual assessment of orthopaedic devices, in particular wear and mechanically-assisted-corrosion damage of metallic hip implants.
• As a postdoctoral research fellow at the Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (RMCRC) at the University of Queensland (2017-2020), I derived two industrial research projects in collaboration with Bombardier Transportation (BT) and Downer Group who are of the most important companies involved in the Australian railway industry.
Below is the list of the research projects that I have been involved in, since my Master’s studies:
• Mechanical behavior of Magnesium alloys (Master thesis, 2011-2014)
• Crashworthiness of aluminium tubes (2011-2012)
• Modelling of cyclic plasticity (2011-2013)
• Investigation on the fretting wear and corrosion damage to the metallic implants (PhD project, 2014-2017)
• Mechanical and tribological behaviours of graphene nano-plates/ flax fibre reinforced epoxy composites (Research higher degree supervisor, 2017-2020)
• Monitoring and Control of False Brinelling for Railway Bearings (Postdoctoral research fellow, 2017-2019)
• Wheel Wear and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) Prediction in Train Wheelsets (Postdoctoral research fellow, 2019-2020)
• Virtual Assessment of Metallic Implants (Postdoctoral research fellow, 2020-current)
Teaching experience:
As a Lecturer at Flinders University, I have established a strong teaching profile and made significant contributions across various teaching responsibilities. I have served as the Topic Coordinator and Lecturer for several topics, including "Solid Mechanics," "Engineering Systems and Materials," "Finite Element Methods," "Engineering Materials II," and "Dynamics" (2023-2024).
• Bone Health Foundation Grant (2022-2023)
Project title: Development of a computational model to predict prosthetic wear towards minimising the risk of periprosthetic osteolysis.
• International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) from Flinders University (2014)
• Australian Postgraduate Award from Griffith University (2014)
• Australian Postgraduate Award from Flinders University (2014)
• Chris Marlin Prize Postgraduate Student Publication Prize in Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics (2015)
• Exceptional talent of Bu Ali Sina University (2012)
• Research Student Conference Travel Grant of Flinders University (2015)
• Research Student Conference Travel Grant of Flinders University (2016)
I have been a lecturer, tutor, and lab demonstrator for more than 10 semesters for different mechanical engineering courses at Flinders University, University of Queensland and University of Tasmania . These courses include Finite Element Methods, Mechanics and Structures, Engineering Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Physics and Materials, Engineering Mathematics and Computer Aided Design.