Professor Lambert Schuwirth

Strategic Professor in Medical Education

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Lambert Schuwirth graduated from Maastricht Medical School as an MD. He became involved in medical education and medical education research since 1990. His main interest is in assessment of medical competence and performance, both in undergraduate and postgraduate training settings. He has worked at Maastricht University for almost 20 years as assistant, associate and full professor in the department of educational development and research, before coming to Flinders in August 2011.

Honours, awards and grants

adjunct professor for Innovative Assessment, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

adjunct professor of Medical Education, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, USA

adjunct professor of Medical Education, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

Key responsibilities
To lead research in medical education
Teaching interests

How to do scientific research

How do people learn better

Basics of assessment

Topic coordinator
HLED9104 Assessment of Learning for the Health Professions
Expert for media contact
Health/Medical education
Medical education
national assessment
programmatic assessment
progress testing
research in medical education
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Health/Medical education
  • Medical education
  • national assessment
  • programmatic assessment
  • progress testing
  • research in medical education
Further information

Deputy-Editor Medical Education
Editor Advances in Health Sciences Education
Editorial board member Focus on Health Professional Education
Editorial board member Perspectives on Medical Education
Former education advisor to the British Medical Journal

Editorial board member Korean Journal of Medical Education

Editorial board member The Asia- Pacific Scholar

complete list of publications updated February 2013 (docx)