Dr Laura Roberts


College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Social Science South (315)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

I am currently Lecturer in Women’s and Gender Studies at Flinders University. Prior to this position I taught Gender Studies and Philosophy at The University of Queensland (2016-2019). Although I now reside in Australia, on Kaurna land, I am from South Africa and began my undergraduate studies in Drama and Philosophy at The University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa during the early years of the post-apartheid transition to democracy. My research interests include feminist philosophy and politics, post/decolonial theory, feminist pedagogy, contemporary social movements and, more recently, feminist cities. My monograph Irigaray and Politics: A Critical Introduction (published by Edinburgh University Press) was published in June 2019.


PhD, Philosophy, The University of Queensland, Australia (2015)

Honours, awards and grants
  • Vice Chancellor’s Award for Early Career Researchers, Flinders University, 2022
  • Early Career Research Excellence Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS), Flinders University, 2022
  • Student Led Teaching Award, CHASS, Flinders University, 2022
  • Early Career Research Grant, “Feminist Cities, Fearless Cities”, CHASS, Flinders University, 2021 ($10 000)
  • Inequality Research Theme Grant, CHASS, Flinders University, 2020
  • Individual Diversity Grant, Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 2018
  • Early Career Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Humanities, University of Queensland (UQ), 2018
  • Humanities Travelling Fellowship, Australian Academy of the Humanities, 2016
  • Award for Excellence in Tutoring, Faculty of Humanities, UQ, 2016
  • Graduate School Research Travel Grant, UQ
  • Postgraduate Research Travel Grant, School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, UQ
  • Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship, University of Queensland ($70 000)
Key responsibilities

Course Coordinator, Postgraduate Programs in Women's and Gender Studies

Teaching interests

Feminist Philosophy, Post/Decolonial Theory, European Social Philosophy

Topic coordinator
WMST3014 Global Feminist Activism
WMST1001 Sex, Gender and Identities
WMST3010 Thinking through the Body
WMST9028 Reading Topic
WMST9010 Thinking Through the Body (GE)
WMST9022 Global Feminist Activism (GE)
Supervisory interests
Feminist theory
Gender studies
Postcolonial theories
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Philosophy
Associate supervisor: Philosophy
Associate supervisor: Education and Gender Studies (1), Philosophy
Expert for media contact
Social issues
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Feminism
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Social issues