Associate Professor Lisel O'Dwyer

Academic Level D

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Lisel O'Dwyer is a social scientist with more than two decades of experience in fields including ageing studies, child wellbeing, population studies, public and community health, housing and urban studies, and human-animal relations. Her current research interests include the relationships between health (particularly obesity),employment and retirement of baby boomers, role of volunteering in ageing and social participation, pets as family, intergenerational exchanges and mobility, the role of public toilets in social mobility and the impact of the national Communities for Children program. She has expertise in a wide range of research methods spanning both quantitative and qualitative approaches.


BA 1989 (Flin) majors in psychology and geography

BA Hons First Class (Adelaide), human geography

PhD (Flin) intergenerational transfers of wealth,distribution of wealth, impact on private rental supply and lifecourse of beneficiaries, homeownership as means of wealth accumulation, death rates, home ownership rates and access to home ownership by age group, bequeathing patterns.

Honours, awards and grants

Lifetime Membership of the Institute of Australian Geographers for service to the IAG

Australian Research Centre for Networks and Spatially Integrated Social Sciences (ARCNSISS) Scholarship

John Lewis Silver Medal

Australian Post Graduate Award

Expert for media contact
Community/Public Health
Urban Planning
Health Geography
Human Geography
Social Research
Urban and Housing Studies
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Media expert
Media expertise
  • Community/Public Health
  • Geography
  • Research
  • Urban Planning
  • Health Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Social Research
  • Urban and Housing Studies