Dr Luke Grundy

Ralph Ernst Senior Research Fellow in Prostate/Bladder Cancer

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health and Medical Research Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dr Grundy is a discovery scientist, and Head of the NeuroUrology Research Group at Flinders University. He is an internationally recognised expert in the functional classes of afferents that innervate the bladder, and the channels and receptors underlying their function in health and chronic pain states.

Dr Grundy's research is at the intersection of neuroscience, urology, and oncolocy where he is seeking to identify novel therapeutic targets and develop the next generation of treatments for debilitating bladder pain assoicated with the side effects of treatment for cancer. Dr Grundy is passionate about team building and talent development to promote the next generation of Australian Neuroscientists. He manages a team of staff and students and leads projects involving academic, clinical and industry collaborators from diverse disciplines including immunology, microbiology, urology, oncology, and neuroscience. 

Dr Grundy has a proven research track record, with over 40 peer-reviewed manuscipts and book chapters including in high impact journals uch as Nature, Pain, JCI insight, Scientific Reports, and the American Journal of Physiology. He also has invited reviews published in Annual Reviews of Physiology, American Journal of Phsyiology, and Frontiers in Autonomic Neuroscience.

Honours, awards and grants

Flinders Foundation Health Seed Grant 2019

Flinders University Impact Seed Funding for Early Career Researchers 2019

Centre for Neuroscience small grants 2019

American Urological Association travel award 2019

Flinders University Early Career Research Investigator Award 2018

Federation of Neurogastroenterology and Motility Young Investigator Award 2018

United European Gastroenterology Young Investigator Award 2016

Digestive Diseases Week Young Investigator Award 2016

Expert for media contact
Bladder Cancer
Bladder pain
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary tract infections
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Media expertise
  • Urology
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Bladder pain
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Urinary tract infections