Dr Maria Giannacopoulos

Academic Status

College of Business, Government and Law

place Law & Commerce (3.40)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

With both a law and cultural theory background I undertake critical interdisciplinary research in the areas of sovereignty, colonialism, austerity and borders.

I am interested in the multiple ways in which law is implicated in racial relations. In the Australian context I have been writing about the Constitutional Recognise campaign which culminated in the recommendation for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament also known as the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Here is a recent commentary https://www.abc.net.au/religion/why-mining-giants-are-backing-an-indigenous-voice-to-parliament/10815008

My current research project is titled "Sovereign Debt, Austerity and the Endurance of Colonialism" and interconnects for the first time, the effaced sovereign debt crisis of Australia with the imperialising economic order in contemporary Greece. This project examines contemporary issues of global significance such as: austerity, neo-liberalism, economic development and asylum crises.

A recent paper in Continuum examines the role of referendums in perpetuating sovereign debt and colonialism in both Australia and Greece. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10304312.2016.1262098?scroll=top&needAccess=true

BA (Hons) LLB (Hons), University of Wollongong
PhD in Cultural Studies, Macquarie University
Key responsibilities

Higher Degree Research Area Advisor for Criminology

Honours Coordinator for Criminology

Topic Coordinator: Law in Australian Society and Crimes against Populations

Teaching interests

Law and Colonisation; Refugee Studies; Cultural Theories of Law; Sovereignty; Law and Race; Critical Race Theory, Socio-Legal Studies; Economic Crime; Epistemicide

Topic coordinator
LEGL2117 Crimes Against Populations
LEGL1201 Law in Australian Society
Supervisory interests
Critical legal theory
Critical race studies
Cultural studies
Law and colonisation
Law and race
Refugee law and policy
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Socio-Legal Studies (1), Critical Legal Studies (1)
Associate supervisor: Socio-Legal Studies/Criminal Justice (1), Socio-Legal Studies/ Criminal Justice (1)
Higher degree by research student achievements
Selim Reza

Winner of the 2016: Best Student Publication in the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law, Flinders University -

Expert for media contact
Aboriginal issues
Race relations
Austerity and Neo-Liberalism
Law and Border Control
Law and Colonialism
Sovereign Debt Crises
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Aboriginal issues
  • Immigration
  • Justice
  • Race relations
  • Austerity and Neo-Liberalism
  • Law and Border Control
  • Law and Colonialism
  • Referendums
  • Sovereign Debt Crises