Professor Mats Andersson

Matthew Flinders Fellow & Director, Flinders Nanotechnology

College of Science and Engineering

place Physical Sciences (3134)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Mats Andersson performed a joint PhD-work at the former Departments of Organic Chemistry and Polymer Technology at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, and he received his PhD degree in Organic Chemistry in 1995. He spent one year as a post doctoral fellow at the Institute for Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), working in Prof. Alan Heegers group. Thereafter, he returned to Chalmers where he was appointed Professor in Polymer Chemistry in 2004 and he held a chair in Polymer Chemistry 2007-2015. Between 2008-2012, Mats was the head of the division of Applied Chemistry at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. In 2011 he received the Arrhenius medal from the Swedish Chemical Society and in 2012 he was elected as a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA. He was awarded a South Australian Chair in Energy in 2013 and in 2014 Mats moved from Sweden to Adelaide to join UniSA and the Ian Wark Research Institute as a Research Professor. The institute was merged into the Future Industries Institute in 2015. In 2017 he joined Flinders University as a Matthew Flinders Fellow and he is currently director of Flinders Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.


Supervisory interests
Composite structures and materials
Conducting polymers
Functional polymeric materials
Molecules for nanotechnological applications
Organic chemistry
Organic electronics
Smart materials
Solar cells
  • Antifouling
  • Conducting polymers
  • Nanotechnology
  • Organic electronics
  • Polymer solar cells
  • Polymers
  • Solar cells