Dr Maxine Moore

Academic Lead - Curriculum

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Flinders Medical Centre Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Prior to joining the School of Medicine, Maxine spent six years at the University of Sydney, where she managed two professional education units (the Division of Professional Learning and the Division of Learning and Teaching) in the Faculty of Education and Social Work. Maxine has also worked as a writer, editor, and as a teacher of secondary English.

Maxine completed doctoral studies in 2012. Her thesis employed narrative inquiry to interrogate teachers' perceptions of their professional education experiences.

Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney
Postgraduate Certificate of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Master of Arts (Honours), School of English, University of St Andrews
Honours, awards and grants

Recent Awards

College of Medicine and Public Health Vice-President and Executive Dean's Teaching Excellence Award 2019 for leadership in designing and implementing the Personal and Professional Development theme in the Medical Degree to improve student learning, wellbeing and professional identity formation.

Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2019 for shifting the culture of the Doctor of Medicine (MD): Leading design and implementation of the Personal and Professional Development theme in MD Years 1 and 2 to improve students learning, personal well-being, and professional identity formation.

Recent Grants

Lisa Schmidt, Maxine Moore, Lambert Schuwirth, Iris Lindemann, Laura Spencer, Wendy Hu, Carlos El-Haddad, Jordan Li (2016-2017) Australian Collaborative Education Network, “Putting the trust into assessing work integrated learning: Developing a process for embedding Entrustable Professional Activities as an authentic form of assessing work integrated learning”.

Key responsibilities

Providing educational expertise to academic, clinical and professional colleagues to ensure that the Flinders medical curriculum reflects best practice, aligns to the Australian Medical Council’s graduate learning outcomes, and evolves in accordance with advancements in the fields of medicine and medical education.

Topic coordinator for MMED9150 (MD1A)

Theme coordinator for Health Professions and Society (HPS) Years 1 - 3 and Personal and Professional Development (PPD) in MD1 and 2 (topics MMED9150, MMED9151, MMED9250, MMED9251, MMED9350, and MMED9351).

Teaching interests

Learning strategies

Medical humanities

Narrative medicine

Communication skills

Topic coordinator
MMED9150 Medicine 1A
Topic lecturer
MMED9150 Medicine 1A
MMED9351 Medicine 3B
MMED9350 Medicine 3A
MMED9250 Medicine 2A
MMED2008 Communication for Improved Patient Care
MMED9151 Medicine 1B