Professor Melissa Brown


College of Science and Engineering

place Biological Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001
Prof Brown completed her B.Sc. (Hons.) and her PhD. in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Adelaide University under the guidance of Prof Paul Manning and A/Prof Renato Morona. She undertook postdoctoral training with Prof Robert Hancock at the University of British Columbia in Canada for which she was awarded a Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. Prof Brown returned to Australia in 1993 to work with Prof Ronald Skurray at the University of Sydney. In 2007 she relocated her laboratory to Flinders University where she is currently Professor in Microbiology.
1992 - Ph.D. "Molecular characterisation of the rfb region of Vibrio cholerae O1 (Ogawa)" Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Adelaide
1984 - B.Sc. (Hons), "Molecular characterisation of the haemolysin determinant from V. cholerae" Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Adelaide
1983 - B.Sc., Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Adelaide
Honours, awards and grants

Fellow of the American Society of Microbiology (FAA)

Fellow of the Australian Society of Microbiology (FASM)

Bellberry Research Award 2009

Teaching interests
Prof Brown's teaching interests centre on Microbiology and the application of current molecular techniques.
Topic coordinator
SERC2700 Research Project 1
BIOL3761 Foundations in Microbiology
BIOL3782 Advanced Microbiology: Microbial Ecology and Infectious Disease
Topic lecturer
BIOL3761 Foundations in Microbiology
SERC3700 Research Project 2
BIOL2722 Disease and Immunology
SERC2700 Research Project 1
BIOL1112 Biology and Society
SERC1012 Introduction to Research
BIOL3782 Advanced Microbiology:Microbial Ecology and Infectious Disease