Professor Michelle Coote

Matthew Flinders Professor in Chemistry

College of Science and Engineering

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Professor Michelle Coote is a Matthew Flinders Professor in Chemistry at Flinders University, having recently moved from the Australian National University (ANU). She completed a PhD in polymer chemistry at the University of NSW (2000), followed by postdoctoral fellowships in polymer physics at the University of Durham, UK (1999-2001), and computational chemistry, at the ANU (2001-2004). She established her own research group at the ANU in 2004, where she served in various roles until early this year. She is a Georgina Sweet ARC Laureate Fellow, an Executive Editor of JACS, an elected fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, and is the 2021 recipient of the RACI Leighton Memorial Medal. Her group uses theory and experiment to design new synthetic methods and catalysts, with an emphasis on non-traditional methods of bond activation using electricity and light.


BSc(Hons) industrial chemistry (UNSW 1995)

PhD polymer chemistry (UNSW 2000)

Honours, awards and grants

Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute

National Awards

Royal Australian Chemical Institute: Cornforth Medal (2000), Rennie Medal (2006), David Sangster Polymer Science and Technology Achievement Award (2010), HG Smith Medal (2016), Physical Division Medal (2019), Polymer Division Citation (2019), Leighton Memorial Medal (2021). Australian Academy of Science: Le Fevre Memorial Medal (2010)

International Awards

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Prize for Young Scientists (2001). Australasian Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemisty Pople Medal (2015).

Named Lectureships

Royal Society of Chemistry Australasian Lectureship (2021). Paul Schleyer Lectureship (University of Georgia, 2018). Huayuan Lectureship, (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 2018).


ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2002-2004). ARC Future Fellowship (2010-2014). Georgina Sweet ARC Laureate Fellowship (2017-2022)

Key responsibilities

Research Leader, Flinders Institute for Nanoscale Science & Technology