Dr Miia Rahja

Senior Research Fellow

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health and Medical Research Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Miia is a registered occupational therapist and a post-doctoral research fellow with Flinders Health & Medical Research Institute (FHMRI). She is also the state coordinator for the Australian Dementia Network’s (ADNeT) “Registry” and “Screening and Trials” programs facilitating clinical trials, and supporting clinical quality benchmarking across SA health sites.

Miia completed her PhD in 2019 evaluating the implementation of an evidence-based care program for people with dementia in Australia. She has published several peer reviewed articles, contributed to health policy evidence checks, and Productivity Commission reports. Internationally, she has also contributed to a book chapter on reablement and dementia and is the sole Australian occupational therapist invited to join an EU-funded expert working group on reablement for people living with dementia.

She currently co-supervises one PhD, and has developed and taught a dementia specific topic for postgraduate students at Flinders University.

Miia serves as the researcher co-chair of the FHMRI’s Consumer and Community Involvement Advisory Board.

Full list of publications on Google Scholar


PhD, BAppSc (OT) Hons, BIntBus

Honours, awards and grants

2021 Robert Penhall Early Career Research Award (Australian Association of Gerontology - South Australia)

Key responsibilities

Conducts research with a focus on rehabilitation, aged and dementia care.

Consults clinician staff in research practices.

Teaching interests

Experience in teaching general rehabilitation related topics at undergraduate level

Experince in the development and teaching of a rehabilitation for dementia topic at postgradute level

Topic coordinator
REHB8036 Improving the wellbeing of people with dementia and their caregivers
Topic lecturer
REHB8036 Improving the wellbeing of people with dementia and their caregivers