Dr Mirella Wyra

Academic Level C

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Bedford Park (5.71)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Dr Mirella Wyra is a senior lecturer in the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

PhD; B.Ed. (Lang) (Hons.); B.A.
Honours, awards and grants

Askell-Williams, H., Lawson, M.J., Slee, P., Wyra, M., Skrzypiec, G.:Flinders Large Grant Living and Learning at School: A Longitudinal Study (2010-2012)

Wyra, M. Large Research Project Grant. Mental Imagery and the keyword method. (2013 - 2015)

Tsianikas, M., Wyra, M., Palaktsoglou, M., & Litinas, A. (2014) OLT Seed Grant Application 2014- Development of guide for online dynamic assessment of foreign language speaking (submitted)

Early Career Training School Fellowship (2012)

Mace Bearer, Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law Graduation Ceremony, Flinders University (2013)

Mace Bearer, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work Graduation Ceremony, Flinders University (2018)

Key responsibilities
  • Director, Teaching Program (Continuing Professional Education)
  • Chair, Continuing Professional Education Committee
  • Chair, Postgraduate Examination Board
  • Coordinator Master of Education and Graduate Certificate in Education
  • Coordinator Master of Education Languages Education specialisation
  • Coordinator Languages Curriculum and Methodology (BEd and MTeach)
  • Member Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee
  • Member FEFRI Management Committee
  • Member Research Higher Degrees Committee
Teaching interests

Teaching areas

  • Languages Education
  • Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
  • ICT in Languages Education
Topic coordinator
EDUC9704 Exploring Languages Pedagogy - Theory and Practice
EDUC9705 Developing Literacies Through Intercultural Language Learning
EDUC9706 Visualising Language Learning
EDUC3527 Investigating Languages Pedagogy in the Integrated Curriculum (Primary R-7)
EDUC4831 Exploring Literacies and Intercultural Contexts in Languages Pedagogy (Primary R-7)
EDUC9733 The Psychology of Learning and Instruction
EDUC9708 New technologies and e-pedagogy in foreign language education
EDUC9234 Professional Experience 1 and Languages Pedagogy (Primary R-7)
EDUC9313 Languages, Literacy and Intercultural Understanding (Primary R-7)
EDUC8731 Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning
EDUC9732 Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition
Topic lecturer
EDUC9706 Visualising Language Learning
EDUC9733 The Psychology of Learning and Instruction
EDUC9705 Developing Literacies Through Intercultural Language Learning
EDUC9708 New technologies and e-pedagogy in foreign language education
EDUC9732 Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition
Supervisory interests
Children's home language maintenance
Cognitive psychology and educational practice
Computer assisted language learning (CALL)
Evaluating quality in teachers' and learners' knowledge
Foreign language education
Language learning strategies
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Chinese EFL teachers beliefs, perceptions, attitudes towards flipped classroom model; implications for practice (1), Mental Health, Psychological Strengths and School Adaptation of High School Students in China (1)
Associate supervisor: Student and teacher beliefs about learning. (1), Bullying victimization, post traumatic stress disorder and post traumatic growth among adolescents in Southwest China (1)
Principal supervisor: Intercultural understanding (1), Teachers’ professional learning communities of practice impact on EFL teachers’ integrated English lesson instructions in rural Indonesia — Principal (1), Explicit strategy instruction in foreign language vocabulary learning (1)
Associate supervisor: Evaluating Efficacy and Usability of Mobile Devices for Learning New Vocabulary Items (1), Students' perceptions of the multilingual policy in education in Timor Leste (1), A framework to guide investigations into parents’ home and school involvement in children’s German community language learning: Testing a theoretical model (1), Students’ and teachers’ perceptions on grammar instruction for developing English language proficiency in the Saudi Arabian EFL context:A mixed methods study. (1), Sustainable school improvement: Enhancing school middle leaders’ epistemic cognition for teaching about self-regulated learning (1)