Mridula Sharma


College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Health Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dr Mridula Sharma is a Professor of Audiology and an Academic Lead for Masters of Audiology course at Flinders University. She has broad interests in hearing and neuroscience including speech perception, listening disorders, evoked potentials and auditory plasticity in children and adults. Dr Sharma has investigated the effects of cognition such as attention and memory on listening. Her current projects include investigating the association between auditory processing and reading skills in children; speech perception in noise and the role of language and attention. Her international collaborations include University of Auckland, New Zealand, University of Potsdom, Germany and Capital Medical University China. She is an Honorary staff at Macquarie University and adjunct faculity at Mahipal University, India..



Honours, awards and grants


  • SingWell Project 2023-2025 (Canadian): Multisite Choir Study for Older Adults with Untreated Hearing Loss
  • ARC Linkage, 2021-23: The ABC’s of listening and learning: a study in the Northern Territory
  • NSW Education’s Strategic Education Fund 2021-23: Plotting the emergence of young children’s learning-oriented talk in early childhood centres: an analysis of growth trajectories and individual differences
  • Capita Foundation, 2020-2021: Effect of age and background noise on cortical EEG entrainment to natural conversation: a preliminary study in adults with hearing loss  
  • ARC Linkage, 2018-21: Beyond Speech: Towards better communication for children with hearing loss
  • ARC Discovery Project, 2018-2022: Language for learning: Developing learning-oriented talk in long-day-care
  • NHMRC Project Grant, 2015-2019: Predicting language skills from early auditory speech discrimination in infants with hearing loss: implications for early management and intervention
  • ARC Linkage Project Grant, 2015-2018: Learning to Talk, Talking to Learn: Effects of an early childhood language program in remote Northern Territory indigenous communities
  • NSW Department of Education National Partnerships Scheme, 2015: Classroom acoustics & classroom amplification
  • NHMRC Project Grant, 2014-2017: Early Indicators of Noise Injury
  • HEARing CRC: Language and auditory processing disorders 2007-2014; 2015-2019
  • Distinguished Visiting Scholars Fund, 2013-14: Auditory processing and role of electrophysiology in assessing children
  • Deafness Research Foundation, 2005: Evaluation of auditory processing and FM effectiveness using auditory evoked potential and behavioural measures of degraded speech perception
Key responsibilities
  • Academic lead, Audiology
  • Research and Teaching
  • Chair of Audiology committee for International Association for Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP)
  • webinars hosted:
  • Scientific committee member: International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG)
  • Associate Editor: Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
  • Peer reviewer: Ear and Hearing, International Journal of Audiology, Hearing Research, International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology
  • HDR supervision themes: auditory processing, hearing loss, cognitive skills, phonological awareness, reading, speech in noise
    • currently supervising 5 PhD
    • 14 PhD students supervised to completion since 2007
    • 4 Masters of Research supervised to completion since 2017.
Teaching interests

Research, electrophysiology and electrophysiological methods

Engaged in clinical education

Topic coordinator
AUDI9404 Research Methods
Topic lecturer
AUDI9412 Research project
Further information

Here are the invited publications [not in the traditional research journals]

  1.    Sharma M. Basic questions about Auditory processing: A conversation between Mridula Sharma (MS) and Harvey Dillon (HD). Audiology Today, September 2022.
  2.    Sharma M. in conversation with David McAlpine and Elisabeth Beach, ABC of Hidden Hearing Loss. Audiology Today, July 2018.
  3.    Sharma M. Editorial of Special Edition International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in Audiological Practices. In Seminars in Hearing Vol. 37, No. 03, pp. 161-162. 2016, August. Thieme Medical Publishers.
  4.    Sharma M. Invited review and commentary on “Classrooms, noise and auditory processing disorders”, (2016).
  5.    Sharma M. Invited Book Review. Translational Perspectives in Auditory neuroscience: Hearing across the life span-Assessments and Disorders. International Journal of Audiology, 2013, 52(9), 655-655.