Professor Neil Piller

Academic Status & Web Supervisor

College of Medicine and Public Health

+61 8 8204 4711
place Flinders Medical Centre
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Neil is a Lymphologist and Director of the lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit

Neil was one of the initiators and the firsrt coordinator of the Advanced Studies Stream in the MD Program.

Neil is Executive member of the International Society for Lymphology,

Neil is Clinical Sciences and Chief editor of the "Journal of Lymphoedema" (UK), a member of the editorial boards of "Phlebology" (USA) and "Lymphology" (USA).

He is Australasian Editor or the "Journal of Lymphatic research and Biology" (USA).

He is a member International Advisory Board Union Internationale Phlebologie and a member of its consensus groups on Lymphoedema and Phlebo-lymphoedema as well as a member of scientific committee of Vasculab,

He is a board member of the Australian College of Phlebology.

He was a member of the steering committee for the Australian and American Lymphoedema Frameworks.

He has been on the scientific and organising committees of a range of recent international congresses including the Australasian Lymphology Association/ILF conference in Darwin, the joint Italian and International Lymphoedema Framework Congress in Siracusa, the ILF and Dutch Lymphodema Frameworks groups in Rotterdam and the ILF and American Lymphoedema Framework Congress in Chicago USA as well as the section Convener and Chair of pharmacological management of Lymphoedemas at the International Society of Lymphology Conference in Buenos Aires

He was Scientific Chair of the 13th Australasian Society of Lymphology Meeting (later held as a vitrual meeting) and Co-organiser of the lymphology theme area of the Australasian College of Phlebology.

He was honarary president of the Argentinian Venous/Lymphatic Surgery, and a keynote speaker at the Canadian Lymphoedema Framework conferernce.

He was an instructor and lead for the "Conservative Lymphoedema Treatment Course" 28th World ISL Congress Greece.

He continues to be an instructor for many lymphoedema therapist training courses in Australia and around the world


B.Sc 1972 Adelaide

B Sc (Hons) 1973 Adelaide

Ph D 1979 Mode of Action of Benzopyrones in thermal and other oedemas Adelaide.

FACP Emeritus 2011

Honours, awards and grants

Australasian Lymphology Association Award - Lifetime contribution to Lymphology Darwin 2016

Honorary Life Membership Lymphoedema Association of Victoria May 2015

Established Researcher Presentation Award (WALT World Association Laser Therapy) 2012

Fellow Emeritus Australian College of Phlebology 2011

Gold Medal for Advancement of Lymphoedema research: Australasian college of Phlebology, Melbourne 2011

International Lymphoedema Framework Award for Lymphoedema research; London, 2010

American Society for Lymphology award - for Dedication to the adance of Evidence based Medicine in the Field of Lymphology 2007

Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching Graduate Studiies Program 2000.

Key responsibilities

He is a Ph D and M Sc supervisor/co-supervisor: in a range of areas including the Impact of climate change on chronic oedemas and lymphoedemas (qualitative and quantitative aspects), the impact of AI and e'learning on lymphoedema care, the role of the Skin in Primary Lymphoedemas, the importance of early detection and screening of patients at risk of lymphoedema and the exploration of the incidence and prevalence of lymphoedemas in SA with a focus on Regional and Rural areas and of the impact of a lack ot therapists in these areas. Service provision and needs in rural and remote areas

Clinical Trial Supervisor, Lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit for pilot studies and trials conducted by Advanced Studies Students in the MD program including: Impact of limb dominance on Lymphoedema diagnosis, The use of negative pressure in the treatment of lymphoedema with and without fibrosis; Objective classification for lymphoedemas,

Prior Trial co-supervisor of Speech Pathology Students in the area of objective assessment strategies for Head and Neck Lymphoedemas

Prior CI with members from Uni SA and State Path and Clinical Genetics in a trial to determine the Genetic basis of lipoedemas and of the relationshop between the genotype and phenotype for lipoedema

Prior CI with members of the Lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit and Surgery in the Assessment of the impact of Deupirfenidone on Secondary Arm Lymphoedemas

Current CI with members of the Lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit in the Objective assessment of vibration on fluids and contents in lymphoedematous limbs

Current Member of the team developing the lymphoedema navigation on line program with Dr Koczwara

Teaching interests

Lymphatic Physiology and Pathophysiology, Lymphoedema risks and risk management, targettting and sequencing of lymphoedema treatment and management

Expert for media contact
Breast Cancer
Medical research
Bioimpedance Spectroscopy for Sub-Clinical Fluid Detection
Blood Tissue Lymph Systems, Inter-Relationships and Interfaces
Body Compositional Changes and Impact on Health and Wellbeing
Community Based Screening Programs for Lymphoedema and Other Oedemas
Development of Instruments for The Objectification of Tissue Changes
Health Professional Training in Assessment, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphoedemas
Lipoedema: Assessment, Treatment and Management
Measurement of Changes in Tissue Fluids
Measurement of Fibrotically Indurated Tissues
Mode of Action of Treatments for Lymphoedemas and Oedemas
Objective Assessment of Lymphoedemas
Patient/Home Based Management Strategies
Available for contact via
+61 8 8204 4711
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Breast Cancer
  • Cancer
  • Lymphoedemas
  • Medical research
  • Bioimpedance Spectroscopy for Sub-Clinical Fluid Detection
  • Blood Tissue Lymph Systems, Inter-Relationships and Interfaces
  • Body Compositional Changes and Impact on Health and Wellbeing
  • Community Based Screening Programs for Lymphoedema and Other Oedemas
  • Development of Instruments for The Objectification of Tissue Changes
  • Health Professional Training in Assessment, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphoedemas
  • lipoedema
  • Lipoedema: Assessment, Treatment and Management
  • Measurement of Changes in Tissue Fluids
  • Measurement of Fibrotically Indurated Tissues
  • Mode of Action of Treatments for Lymphoedemas and Oedemas
  • Objective Assessment of Lymphoedemas
  • Patient/Home Based Management Strategies
Further information

Full CV and other details attached

Piller CV 2024 update (docx)